Thursday, November 21, 2013

I did not expect such a number of CHOGM evaluations by the usual suspects!

The British came and caused a stir. They were told by the local side to look into their own HR violations vis a vis the Iraq war, before pointing a finger at SL. MR invoked Lord Buddha not to outsmart others, but try to improve one’s own faults and failings first. Does he practice what he has preached?

The accused in Sri Lanka JUST WILL NOT ACCEPT accountability on the grounds that it is applied unfairly, and not equally to all. If the US did the accusing the Drone strikes will be the counter claim.  

This strategy of not permitting others outside of our shores to dictate what we should and should not do is OK in a democracy where there are checks and balances available to society to prevent a repeat and promote restraint. 

In Sri Lanka abuse of power with no checks is why there is an outcry that justice will not be served within our shores. That simply is what the argument is about. Not if the UK and USA have been any better when it comes to HR violations!! Throughout history they have been much worse, and trust me they know that too!! Don't think they do not realize that. What about Hiroshima? Carpet Bombing of Germany etc.

Here are a selection of some of them.

Whilst I agree for the most part they are highly critical of the performance of the Govt. and is not music to the ears of those who believe in a real paradise now present , it nevertheless catches a viewpoint of Sri Lankans who are appalled at how stupid we look in the eyes of the world, no matter what we think of that world. Only those who believe we must raise a wall round our Island and HAVE NO dealings with the outside world could criticize all of them below. 

We live in a Globalized world and must be cognizant of that fact that we MUST deal with people from all nations with different agendas.     


Ratmale,Minneriya,Sri Lanka said...

Its still coming in a torrent

Ratmale,Minneriya,Sri Lanka said...

In praise of the Sri Lanka Govt.

Anonymous said...

If the US did the accusing, the counterclaim could be drone strikes AND the murder of an unarmed Osama bin Laden following an illegal home invasion by American assassins. he was killed in front of his family -- shot in the head and chest -- and his body was abducted and dumped into the depths of the sea, if one believes the official American narrative. there was plenty of "collateral damage" in the process as people were efficiently gunned down as the assassination team of commandos proceeded through the compound from the roof and the ground.

Anonymous said...

I think when there are authoritarian rulers who are accused of crimes against humanity they seem to take preference to those who are here and gone tomorrow as in the case of Western Democracies.

Sri Lankans are obsessed with the Tamil Diaspora, blaming everything on them, they just don't get it that it was under the UN watch that the last stages were carried out, and most of the allegations occurred after they were sent packing.

So the UN feel some responsibility for not preventing the deaths, and so is more intent than wuold be normal in investigating them.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Still flowing like a torrent!

Anonymous said...

Another analysis by MA Sumanthiran MP