Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Challenges of managing a business in these troubled and unsettled times! WHY IS NO ONE WILLING TO TALK ABOUT THIS?

In a scenario akin to “Nero fiddles while Rome burns” the present impasse of A LACK OF LEADERSHIP BY ANYONE! is keeping us awake at night, wondering how to meet payroll at the end of the month.

The photo of me @ my desk at 7.30am this morning (I could have been here an hour earlier, had not been for the late arrival of the driver!) while the staff, turn up when they want, and even at 9am the official start, they clock in and have breakfast AFTER clocking, amble into the office, thinking this is playschool.

While I understand that Public Servants are DOING NOTHING now, we in the private sector are facing major hurdles. With uncertainty, hiring is frozen, bills due from the State Agencies are still on hold, being financed by us with bank borrowings, while interest rates are on the way up.

Imports of anything now cost 10% more than last month, as we depend on imported raw materials as inputs in this business. With attendant price increases to customers to soften the squeeze, the demand volume is dropping, and a credit squeeze is in the offing, where debt collection is getting increasingly difficult.

All these factors, ONE ON TOP OF THE OTHER, are devastating the business, with staff completely unaware of the implications, of imminent layoffs, that cannot be avoided, if the company is to survive through this HOLOCAUST of a problem created by a completely and CERTIFIABLY INSANE decision taken by Maithripala Sirisena in a moment of insanity (we know it is not the first time he has set fire, now it is to the whole Country)

Why oh why is the partisan media silent on this gravest issue facing the nation?
IF this is not treason against the STATE I don’t know what is!

ALL the participants in this plot have to arrested immediately and locked up and the keys thrown away, so that this kind of treachery against a WHOLE COUNTRY never happens again.


The tri-force commanders, please understand that it is your tacit approval of your Commander in chief’s actions that are keeping this antediluvian plot to hold onto unjust power alive and so you are complicit in this Crime Against the State.
It's time you changed your allegiance for justice, and not propriety.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What for? We're all used to there been no rule or law. Just look at the roads. Are rules being followed? If you're caught flouting a "law", just bribe whoever and it'll all be forgotten. This is how it is now.