Wednesday, November 21, 2018

However you wish to paint it, there has been a Coup in Sri Lanka, that has ousted the legitimate Government of the day, and so no one has recognized the illegal Coup.

Stop referring to niceties of the Constitution, either you agree with the Coup or you don’t. If you do agree with it and say so openly, one day everyone who does, can be prosecuted under the law for backing the coup, and all the leaders, like MS, MR and the fake cabinet will be prosecuted and if convicted have to serve their sentence, seniors like the GMOA top brass will do jail time along with anyone who took orders from the Coup leaders, that is just a fact.

When that will happen is dependent on a few factors, like how long can the Coup leaders persuade the Armed Forces and Police that they are actually illegally following orders, where they can be prosecuted. The moment their heads understand the facts, they will turn, at the moment they are conflicted, as they have not sent the President, who is clearly mentally unstable, to the Asylum. No one even the SLPP is questioning the his state of mind!

Once the gravy train of foreign funding and propping up finishes, and they cannot pay foreign bills for imports, we are finished. We will be like Argentina or Venezuela. Don’t forget MR and Venezuelan Leader Chavez were buddies, where did that get Venezuela, a country that has oil reserves second only to Saudi Arabia? It is only a matter of time before US$1 = Rs1,000. Unless-

So don’t be complacent, if you have broken the Constitution to seize power, you have to face TREASON CHARGES, once democracy is finally established. The MR camp is talking about elections, but they are unable to have elections until it is legal to do so. Once it is legal, they are likely to lose, as the economy will have tanked by the time they go to the polls. You cannot break the law, period.

If only they were patient, DID NOT BREAK any laws, waited for elections, they would have been handed the Country in a platter. Now it is the reverse, after they have ruined the economy, acted like idiots taking over ALL THE MEDIA, thinking the people are fools, no one is going to vote for them.

Their brand is dropping by the day, even MR supporters see his duplicity in his face, their behavior in parliament has shown the people that they are sore losers, and now they are grabbing state property, and holding the Ministry Secretaries to ransom. They are unable to release the funds, knowing if they give it to the illegal Govt. they also face CHARGES in Court if they sign documents illegally

Please stop your nonsense, agree you lost, before creating more trouble for SL and yourself. Don’t tell me later you were not warned, Once the show is over!


Anonymous said...

You are absolutely correct, if only the Forces chiefs and the Police Chief takes legal advice, they will understand that until the President is declared sane, they are OK, but the moment he is declared unfit due to mental disease, they are on a sticky wicket as they have to abide by the Constitution

It is better they meet the President put him into protective custody for his safety. Then ask Karu to temporarily take over the position until elections are held under the normal terms of the Constitution and it would be best to have both Presidential and Parliamentary elections on the same day for reducing the burden of costs to the state.

That frankly is the only way out, as otherwise MR and MS just for personal cussedness are willing to take Sri Lanka to its knees as they don't care about Country, and frankly never cared about Country either, only power prestige and money, the evils that Lord Buddha spoke against.

Anonymous said...

The problem is in their heads. They spent so much time breaking the law, they feel they have no need for it. Hence the Coup which is a law being broken, but the leaders are not bothered.

It takes a little time for the people of the Country to truly understand what a coup means and that it needs the armed forces with the coup leaders to be successful.

The leaders of the Armed Forces are suddenly very aware of the tight spot they have been forced into because of MS being their boss.

The IGP is a turncoat, bought for money and power, and the lower ranks know it, and his days are numbered, when he realizes the lower ranks will not tolerate working for a man who salutes the very jokers who threw chillie at them.

So it is a matter of time when he faces a mutiny in the Police or is forced out.

This still begs the question, how much damage can MR and MS do in a few months to the Country as that is the real issue here.

I think it is too much to bear as the moment the rupee plunges when our credit ratings are downgraded and are unable to pay our debts, we are screwed royally, and like you say it is when it drops to Rs1000. In one month or six!

If there is capital flight that has already started due to uncertainty and there is no IMF for temporary relief, unless China comes with at least US$4B in cash TODAY MR cannot stop the rot. I fear China will not give this money that is needed.

They want Sri Lanka to be on its knees so they can buy the Country for a song, and MR and MS simply don't get it.

It is time for them to resign gracefully now to save the nation more agony.

Anonymous said...

Sri Lankans only have the Judiciary left they can rely on now that the media is badly compromised by prostitutes in all the formats spewing out fake news to the people