Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Why are we unable to call “a spade, a spade”? It has been hijacked

Why is it unpatriotic to speak the truth? I know it hurts those in power because it shows them in very poor light as the supposed patriots are really traitors, but that can’t be helped, as truth only hurts the crooks and the traitors in high places!

In Colombo, the National Hospital is creaking at the seams, and many maternity hospitals have more than one to a bed, but there is a brand spanking new hospital just built and finished to a very high degree of comfort, more in keeping with a private hospital that lies empty and NO ONE wishes to highlight this for fear of being labeled by traitors in sheep’s clothing as traitors just for pointing this out.

I am not sure if many people in this country are aware that there is a 1001 bed Army Hospital, now 90% empty, built to a very high standard and that would be the envy of the Government Health department, were it part of the State Health Authority, but built at public expense from the mouths of the starving in Sri Lanka that pay a very high price for essential foods. (as it includes a very high percentage of Taxes attached to essential foods) Don't forget the Japanese gave a donation of the Jayawardenepura Hospital to the Nation in recognition of JRJ support for them after World War II to spare them indignity in defeat. That hospital charges a subsidized fee, why can't this?

How can people with a conscience tolerate this insensitive behavior and why do we have a Media that is so silent, not to bring it to the attention of the Public?  

It is time we started taking note of the ostentatious behavior of the State when it wishes to keep the forces happy, well ensconced in luxury and privilege whilst also paying top rates to have soldiers sweeping the roads each morning as I drive past the Panagoda Army Camp, where I see at least 100 with Ekel Brooms paid at Rs250 a working hour, when there are enough willing people at Rs100 a working hour to do the same task. Actually a sweeping machine can do it at much lower cost and far quicker too!

In fact this is all waste, when we are pleading with people to donate bottled water to the people in drought affected areas, whilst the state is not sharing its responsibility for the very same people pleading lack of funds. Priorities!

Tell me if the MR Government will refuse NGO donations to provide water for the waterless, when it refuses NGOs permission for journalists to hold a professional development workshops, so that they can improve on their skills to better serve the public they report on behalf of? Clearly they want us BLIND, DEAF AND DUMB.

Think, where are your priorities? Let’s take up arms against waste of the public’s resources and destroy the wastrels.            


Anonymous said...

It is important that we use language with precision to communicate our true meaning, as sloppy words may represent sloppy thoughts which convey a wrong meaning.

commentators have already commented on your overly bellicose language, flailing the word 'traitor' around as though akin to terrorists, and this continues to be the case which detracts from the credibility of your commentary as something more than politically motivated hot air. we have sri lankans like this that will speak until they are blue in the face that the sky is in fact red just because they are politically motivated to do so (they have vested interest). of course, most sri lankans realize that the others are con artists and tune them out. please consider this as your credibility is at stake.

you have also 'called readers to arms' in your blog post which likely does not mean that you are inciting them to armed rebellion like prabhakaran or wijeweera although that is what your words convey.

you care deeply about the country and are one of the better educated, experienced, and ethical people involved in politics. please use more precise language as it will improve your writing and stature

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