Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Is the Defense Ministry led by mental deviants?

The latest news that NGOs are NOT allowed to talk to the press and hold workshops, makes a mockery of what an NGO is. It is better to ban all NGOs. Clearly this is aimed at stifling the increasing crescendo of criticism of Govt. by Civil Society, but effectively it prevents even the Friday Forum from writing to the Press. What pray does that mean? Nothing of substance to read in Sri Lanka! Is there a point in anyone but "fools to live in this Paradise?"

DO THEY MEAN INGOs? As, if they enforce this to local NGOs then ALL types of charity that NGOs do will have to stop, as they will not be able to garner publicity for their activities and therefore be prevented from fund raising! That is why I said that the Defense Secretary peed in his pants and didn’t realize it until someone pointed it out. He will find a way of saving face from embarrassment. Most NGOs perform yeoman service in Sri Lanka. Don’t forget that.

The Defense Secretary is obviously getting his knickers seriously caught in a twist as the consequences of his actions are widespread and will definitely be reversed once his slow at comprehending brother understands what he is up to.

This kind of behavior is even tolerated in Sri Lanka because the rich and powerful are just rats holding on to dear life of the coat tails of the Regime to greedily lick all the crumbs thrown their way, having sold their soul a long time ago to the devil.

It is time we get to grips with the fact that the Govt. has actually lost its head and the ASYLUM is the only place for these Cukoos brandishing as national leaders. What a free place with liberty and consistency and sanity this Country will be with the Regime’s principal proponents safely locked away in an Asylum that will permit the public to view them with a one way mirror.

As Bertrand Russell said, Governments can exist without laws, but Laws cannot exist without Government, so we can continue to carry on for a period in this lawless state where laws are not made by Parliament, but effectively by a few who need to be committed to the Loony Bin. Remember we tolerate it to such a degree that we continue to permit this excess, due to our singular inability to appreciate the seriousness of the direction this state has taken, and inability to hold our leaders accountable for their insanity.

Typically the bimbos who live in Sri Lanka are tongue tied! Don’t they realize the seriousness of the attempt? It will have to be reversed, but the fact that NO ONE has actually come out and publicly and said that this is INSANE, which leads me to doubt that this Country has any intelligent people who have some spine! 

The Rest of the world must look at us as a real basket case with a population that is comatose, and therefore can easily be exterminated by their leaders. Sri Lankans rise up and defend your country if there is any patriotism left in you, otherwise don't even bother finding excuses for your incapacity in this need of the hour.

LTTE terrorism pales in comparison with the Rajapakse terrorism!    


Ratmale,Minneriya,Sri Lanka said...


Ratmale,Minneriya,Sri Lanka said...


Anonymous said...

When a mad dog circles the neighbourhood, everyone has a reasonable fear of catching rabies.
When authorities in charge of law enforcement agencies lose their sanity, every citizen has a reasonable fear of the arbitrary use of violence.
When a government ministry goes to the extent of issuing such a letter, it is a warning to one and all about how deep the government has sunk into disorder.

Now is the time for all forces opposing the government to call for an end to such arbitrariness, to this insanity.


Anonymous said...

Well said, why can't people in Sri Lanka understand the level of insanity that this Govt. has just got itself into?

It is so clear, are people in Sri Lanka blind?

Anonymous said...

please don't conflate the ltte and the sl government. that just makes you seem like a pompous blowhard willing to say anything to get someone to vote on your side -- or a politician.

the new rule will be a blow to the 5 star hotels of colombo, and the luxe boutique hotels around the country as NGO workshops form a significant part of their business. i wonder whether the colombo classes will continue to flock to employment in the NGO sector now that these swanky lifestyle perks are taken away.

let the NGOs do what they're supposed to -- which is to do research and collaborate with the government to improve the livelihoods of people. the workshops and media whoring are annoying to most hard-working people in this land struggling to make ends meet.

Anonymous said...

please take hon. harin fernando, mp,'s vacated seat in parliament and advocate on behalf of the people! the country needs you!!

Anonymous said...

Second anon at 3.51pm

You don't seem to know what most of the NGOs do. Just so that the Govt. can muzzle a few, they wish to make ALL the organizations that are in the business of providing assistance suffer also!
It is simply owing to the failure of the Govt. to provide the basics that NGOs are here.
Is Zonta an NGO? is the Rotary an NGO?

Let us first ask the Govt. to list those which they DO NOT want to have Press Cons and Workshops and take the argument from there. As it is worded at present they will just have to retract this asinine statement.

I am sure the author meant that the LTTE was mad and so are the Rajapakses, let us return to sanity again, and take this country forward and not backwords as the present Regime has done and continues with this kind of act.

Anonymous said...

The people are frightened, more so now than during the LTTE period.

They don't know whose phones are tapped.

The Govt. is paranoid, and when an administration is on its last legs, paranoia is a precursor to a downfall. Its history repeating itself here.

Its all right if you are a spectator, not if you are a participant in making it happen.

Anonymous said...


Another interesting legal point and see they are already regretting the original statement see below for link


The MOD must be manned by real idiots! just read the crap they are saying

Jack Point said...

The next step will be to ban all meetings and gatherings by anyone.

Is this far fetched?

I have heard stories that even to have a birthday party or a football match in the North required army approval. Herad stories of boys playing fottball getting beaten up for unauthorised gatherings.

In teh light of this, do these things seem far fetched?

Jack Point said...

The next step will be to ban all meetings and gatherings by anyone.

Is this far fetched?

I have heard stories that even to have a birthday party or a football match in the North required army approval. Herad stories of boys playing fottball getting beaten up for unauthorised gatherings.

In teh light of this, do these things seem far fetched?

Anonymous said...
