Monday, June 9, 2014

Sexual Violence in Conflict Conference in London – Sri Lanka one of the few counties NOT to participate

The reason why Sri Lanka a country implicated on sexual violence in conflict will not participate at the above conference to be held in London on 10th June 2014 is not clear despite being invited to participate alongside over 100 countries. This would mean that the participants who have accused SL of this will be able to charge Sri Lanka, and therefore the GOSL of complicity!   

A Sunday Island article explains the reasons as – link -  “Sri Lanka has to give undertakings prior to attendance and those may compromise their obligations under UN treaties, and be open to not just accusations, but also prosecutions!! 

In short the UK sponsored declaration which is intended to commit the participating countries to take action to prevent sexual violence in conflict, a noble gesture that could go a long way at preventing the spread of and hopefully begin the end of such, but for countries under the spotlight, which should really be included, it may be an uncomfortable stance to take, as it may imply self incrimination!

The Foreign Secretary of the UK William Hague, not a particular friend of the GOSL will be co chairing this along with Angelina Jolie, the Actress, representing the UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

In my opinion, it would be best for GOSL to send a delegation, and not Shavendra Silva, who was a Commander at the final battle to end the terrorism of the LTTE, who was mooted to be sent according to the article referred to above.

We don’t fight wars outside our borders. All our wars are internal and whatever action we commit to is for the benefit of our citizens. t is therefore incumbent upon the GOSL to safeguard our citizens in whichever way possible, something they seem to forget. It is important for the people of Sri Lanka to understand that GOSL has a duty to ALL Sri Lankans, no matter what position they hold personally with regards to it, their behavior and what needs to be done about.

We must stop blaming everything on a Western plot, and imply this to criticize GOSL! This is a very important subject that will eventually make it to the UN charter in some form or other, and we will be part of it, so we must give our input.   

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I for one am happy the gosl passed,on offering a delegation a junket to attend this talk shop. Do it on skype!!!!!