A Reply to Mr Ravindra Kariyawasam’s four page (in Sinhala small type) warning that our environment could be compromised (sold to the highest bidder) within the next two years (balance of the term of the present Government) dated 21st August 2017 (this letter is copied at the bottom of this entry for anyone to read in toto if they so wish.)
For the record Mr Kariyawasam is an environmentalist, the principal at the Center for Environmental and Nature studies (CENS) Sri Lanka, No: 1149 Old Kotte Road, Rajagiriya. www.cens.lk email cens2020@gmail.com
The highly politicized article ends with “Parisaraya nasana dhanapathi kramayata soora kamata ida nodenna”
It is NOT and definitely not the Capitalist System that is at fault here, it is the attitude of our people who have been enslaved by a system of greed, corruption at every level, inept public service and servants and elected individuals who pursue personal agendas far removed from the best interests of the people who elected them.
He talks about the liberal agenda that is selling our heritage to the highest bidder, and I personally take umbrage at that statement, as it is the liberal capitalist system that will save the planet from itself in the end, though few can even see this coming.
Sri Lanka is talking about being a GREEN ENERGY (that is 100% dependent on renewable energy) nation by 2050. I believe that the right policies today, can bring that about by 2040, if we put our minds to it now as that is effectively 22 years away and is possible to see a sea change in that short time, if we begin our concepts at the ground level today.
I would gladly donate all my assets, which are only in the form of property as I only own two small very old two wheeled tractor trailers with a combined value of Rs20K at best, towards the cause of conservation, reclamation, and reforestation, if I believed we have a system that will assure its future, but sadly we don’t yet have it. It is that mindset that we must adopt in ALL of us to work towards a win win situation that will ensure the continuance of Sri Lanka as a livable country well into the next century.
It is our duty to engage, not attack ideology per se, that is a dated concept in the new era, and educate our citizens with the youngest being the easiest and most important segment to do so, being the lever we must use to name and shame the older generation, starting with our rural village to stop their destruction of the environment, which the NGO types in their ideological thrust of dated rhetoric are counterproductive to our overall objectives.
Suffice to say that it is capitalist countries that are at the forefront of conservation, and reforestation, and the heaviest conversion to renewable energy that we must emulate, and NOT abandon the very people who could assist us immediately with our goals, by this ‘FROG IN THE WELL” approach to who is in the wrong. We have to embrace the global challenges as our own and not simply believe ours is only ISLANDIC!
I challenge my detractors to this statement:
“I firmly believe it is the thousands of Sri Lankan Youth who are studying in Internaitonal Universities who are MOST concerned about the future and survival of Sri Lanka over anyone who is currently living in Sri Lanka, as who have the practical experience, expertise, effort and education who MUST lead.” In this “Battle for Survival”
There is no one in Sri Lanka with the capability of understanding the gravity of this problem, unless they have been exposed to the latest technology, knowledge and the resulting solutions to the environmental issues of the day despite their great ability to rouse, idealistic fools into a false sense of smugness blaming all the ills of the world on the old outdated concepts of capitalism.
Honestly what would we have today without Google, Apple, Facebook, Tesla, Amazon, and Microsoft who dominate this world? Look at the positives, use the latest technology of social media which you cannot wean our youth who think very differently from us, and give them the tools to manage their future.
There is a generational gap here and the Generation Z born after 1997 is the best equipped to take ownership of this whole project as it will affect their future. TRUST me those thousands of Sri Lankans who go overseas to study, especially after 2014, are those who are most likely to return if they believe their interests of conservation are regeneration can and will be adopted. They are most suited for this exercise because as yet our local education system, due to outdated modalities adopted by organizations such as CENS has still not weaned itself and its personnel from the stone age to see the light of day.
If my proposed emphasis on our pre-school student’s behavior and practice is adopted as is done in developed countries such as Korea and Japan, in 20 years we would have laid the foundation, to have a country that truly can be proud of itself and its achievements.
Sadly we will not be alive to witness the fruits of this exercise, but at least we will have the comfort of dying in peace knowing, we at least dedicated our lives towards their better chance of living a life, that we who destroyed our environment was able to set the foundation to reverse our wanton desecration of the hallowed ground our forefathers fought so hard to preserve.
We must think 50 years hence, but act today with that goal in mind, and embrace all who subscribe to this.
We all want the same result, so let us not divide ourselves in dogma to define who we are, but unite in purpose with a common objective to love our neighbor as much as we love ourselves.
The views I express below are personal and not backed by any party, NGO, or other pressure group, and so I have not been paid by anyone nor am I earning an income from an interested party which expects me to toe any particular line.
I have lived and been educated overseas (secondary, tertiary and postgraduate) returning to Sri Lanka in 2004 after 33years in the UK and USA, with the intention of living in rural Sri Lanka (Ratmale, Minneriya, a purana gama that existed before re-settlement) and subsistence farming for a living.
I am not replying point by point to the allegations and accusations made in that document, but in general about the whole principle that is enunciated in the document which I feel is HUGELY detrimental to the objectives we have in mind, as in the end I am more of an environmentalist than he is, at heart who fears for the future of this Country if the policies and practices adopted by the PEOPLE, (emphasis people) led and guided by various Governments over the past 70 years is not drastically changed.
While I am a student of history and greatly admire the practices of benign benevolence of our Kings of the past, I do not wish to live in the past, and bearing what we know of the present situation, which merely to reverse some mistakes and retake our country from the present predicament. Of course we can learn from the past and adopt some best practices of the past that are relevant in the present and the future.
I also take cognizance of the fact that new technology is fast developing at a rapid pace, which we in Sri Lanka are both slow to assimilate (as in understand and practice) and vary of adopting due to some of the views expressed in the document referred to.
I also believe that our approach to the environment must be holistic, practical and ingrained in our psyche, not limited to mere laws and policies and the different routes all lead to the one goal.
The goal being that we must return to being a Country where all who dwell in it must be entitled as of right, to drink clean water, eat healthy food, and breathe pure air, as that is all that one needs in Sri Lanka to survive and prosper, and thrive as a culture, civilization and custodians of our paradise for all time. I am sure this is the same goal of CENS, but I strongly believe they have lost the plot, being too politically mired in dogma to see the wood from the trees.
In order to appreciate the angle and tack I am taking towards this issue, one must have some idea of who I am and why I have come to these conclusions, and thereby appreciate why I say what I say as well as one molded out of 60 years of observant living all over the world, who has traveled much, and have been in various careers throughout my life, including 8 complete years in full time agriculture.
I was possibly the only Sri Lankan who engaged in Wet and Dry Zone farming, personally grew over 75 different items of food and personally delivered (transporting) them to my customers in Colombo, and billing and collecting receipts from households to survive the tough 22 hour days that resulted. I have faced the very threats that farmers face, both from some of the marketing practices of Multinationals, and the death threats of fellow neighboring farmers who do not like to see one being successful due to envy at others success and to me ALL factors are important in this argument if we are to change our behavior.
Finally I am a victim of reckless abandon of our Politicians having suffered life threatening injury due to reckless speeding accident in Minneriya, of a Cabinet Ministerial Convoy (Minister of Justice of all people), that forced me to abandon my livelihood of farming in 2011.
The conclusions that one can reach from this is that it is an attitudinal change that is required as a Country, NOT political and that can only be inculcated into the pre-school mind in order to be of value in the long term and serve the final objectives that we are all pursuing.
The past 13 years in Sri Lanka, has been one of disciplined, hard-work and much personal sacrifice to achieve and illustrate through experience, without for a moment having the helping hand of any patron. So I can honestly say that my thoughts and ideas have developed ONLY from experience and the wider knowledge I have gained therein from research on relevant avenues.
There are few environmentalists in Sri Lanka who speak from the heart, as they are beholden to some organization to toe some line, which would assure them of a livelihood. I have not been so privileged and so am able to speak my mind freely and without prejudice. Therefore rightly or wrongly they are MINE alone.
Below is the letter to which I am replying above, in case one wished to see the appeal, which aroused my wish to reply to.
The blame for the World Bank and IMF for today's problems is facetious to say the least and I knew Gamani Corea, and know the frustration then he had on trying to implement a hair brained scheme of commodity price stabilization, put the fundamentals of supply and demand completely out of whack, and had NO chance of survival in the first place. SO blaming his failure on them was a bit rich, but manna for the developing world to find a culprit, without looking inwards at their own rigid agricultural practices.
mÃir yd fidndoyÃą wOHhk
Center for environmental and
Nature studies-(CENS),Sri Lanka.
fkd(1149" fldÃĄfÃĄ
mdr" rdc.sÃh
No:1149. Old kotte
Email- cens2020@gmail.com.
āˇāļģිāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļąāļē āļ¸ීāˇ
āļ āļ¯ෙāˇāˇāļģ āļුāļŊ āˇිāļිāļĢිāļē āˇැāļිāļē
āļ´්āļģāˇෙිāˇāļ¸ි āˇāļą්āļą
āˇāļģිāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļąāļē āļēāļąු āˇ්āˇාāļˇාāˇිāļ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āˇීāļ¸ිāļ āļ´āļą්āļිāļēāļāļේ āļ
āļ´āļģිāļ¸ිāļ āļāˇāļ¸āļąාāˇ āˇෙāļąුāˇෙāļą් āˇිāļąාāˇāļාāļģී āļŊෙāˇ āˇූāļģා āļැāļąීāļ¸ āˇෙāļąුāˇāļ§, āļ
āļ´ි āˇැāļ¸ āļĸීāˇāļ් āˇāļą āļ¸āˇ āļ´ොāļŊāˇේ, āˇැāļ¸ āļĸීāˇිāļēෙāļුāļේāļ¸ āļ´ැāˇāļ්āļ¸ āļāˇāˇුāļģු āļāļģāļ¸ිāļą්, āļ¯ිāļු āļාāļŊීāļąāˇ āļēොāļ¯ා āļැāļąීāļ¸ āˇෙāļąුāˇෙāļą් āļ´āˇāļ්āˇා āļāļą්āļąා āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļą āļ්āļģāļ¸āļēāļēි. āļāļē āļāˇāˇුāļģු āļිāļģිāļ¸āļ§ āļ
āˇāˇ්āļēāļē āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļą āļą්āļēāļēāļą්, āļąීāļි āˇāˇ āļ්āļģāļ¸āˇේāļ¯āļēāļą්
āļąුāˇ āļģāļ§āļ් āļ´ාāļŊāļąāļē āļිāļģිāļ¸āļēි. āļ¸ෙāˇි āļ¸ූāļŊිāļāļą්āļēාāļē āˇāļą්āļąේ āˇ්āˇාāļˇාāˇිāļ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āˇāļŊ āˇිāļ¸ිāļාāļģීāļ්āˇāļē āļāļ් āˇāļ්āļ්āˇ āˇāļģ්āļāļēāļ§āļ āˇෝ āļāļ් āļ¸ිāļąිāˇ් āˇāļ¸ාāļĸ āļ´āļą්āļිāļēāļāļ§ āˇෝ āˇිāļ¸ිāļ āļ´ුāļ¯්āļāļŊāļēāļą් āļ´ිāļģිāˇāļāļ§ āļąොāˇ āļ¸āˇāļ´ොāˇ
āˇ āļ¸āļ් āļĸිāˇāļ්āˇāļą āˇැāļ¸ āļĸීāˇිāļēෙāļāļ§āļ¸ āļāļ¸ āļĸීāˇිāļ āļ´ැāˇැāļ්āļ¸ āˇෙāļą්āˇෙāļą් āˇ්āˇාāļˇාāˇිāļ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļŊāļļා āļැāļąීāļ¸ේ āļ
āļēිāļිāļē āļāļ āļēāļą්āļą āļ´ිāˇ
ිāļැāļąිāļ¸āļēි. āļąāļ¸ුāļ් āļ
āļ¯ āļ¯āˇāˇ āˇāļą āˇිāļ§ āļļොāˇෝ āļ´āļģිāˇāļģāˇාāļ¯ීāļą් āļ´āˇāļිāļą āļ°āļąāļ´āļි āļ්āļģāļ¸āļēāļ§ āˇිāļē āˇāˇāļēෝāļāļē āļ¯āļ්āˇāļąāˇා āļ´āļ¸āļĢāļ් āļąොāˇ ,āļ¸ීāˇ
āļ āļ¸ැāļිāˇāļģāļĢāļēāļ§ āˇāļģිāļ āˇ්āļēාāļ´ාāļģāļēāļą්
āļąිāļģ්āļ¸ාāļĢāļē āļāļģāļ¸ිāļą් āļąැāˇāļāļ් āˇොāļļාāļ¯āˇāļ¸ āˇāļąāˇāļą āļŊිāļļāļģāļŊ් āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļĢāļē āˇ්āļාāļ´ිāļ āļිāļģීāļ¸āļ§ āļāļ්āˇāˇ āļ¯āļģāļ¸ිāļą් āˇිāļ§ී.
āļąāļ¸ුāļ් āˇāļģිāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļąāļē āļිāļēා āˇිāļ§ිāļą්āļąේ āļ¸āˇāļ´ොāˇ
āˇේ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ෙāļąාāļ§āļ¸ āļ
āļēāļ් āˇāļą āļļāˇāļ් āļāˇා āļāļ¸ āļ´ැāˇැāļ්āļ¸ āˇෙāļąුāˇෙāļą් āļˇූāļ්āļි āˇිāļŗීāļ¸ේ āļąිāļ¯āˇāˇ āˇāˇ āļ
āļēිāļිāļē āˇැāļ¸ āļĸිāˇිāļēාāļ§āļ¸ āˇ්āˇාāļˇාāˇිāļāˇāļ¸ āļŊැāļļෙāļą āļļāˇāļ් āļ´ාāļŊāļāļēෙāļුāļේ āļාāļģ්āļēāļē āļāļ¸ āˇිāļු āļ¸āļāļēāļ§ āļąොāˇ āˇැāļ¸ āļĸීāˇිāļēාāļේāļ¸ āļāļ¸ āļ
āļēිāļිāļą් āˇුāļģැāļෙāļą āļŊෙāˇ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļļෙāļ¯ිāļēාāļ¸ āļ´ාāļŊāļąāļē āļිāļģීāļ¸ āļļāˇāļēි. āļāļē āļ
āļ´ේ āˇāļ¸ාāļĸāļēāļą් āļ´āļģිāˇāļģāļē āˇāˇ āˇ්āˇාāļˇාāˇිāļ āˇāļ¸āļ´්āļ āļˇාāˇිāļාāˇ āļැāļą āļ´ැāˇāļි āļąිāˇැāļģāļ¯ි āļ¯ැāļ්āļ¸ āļ´ෙāļą්āˇා āļ¯ෙāļēි. āļ¸ේ āļ
āļąුāˇ āˇāļģිāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļą āˇංāļāļŊ්āļ´āļē āļļෞāļ¯්āļ° āļ¯āļģ්āˇāļēේ āļ´āļ¯āļąāļ¸āļ් āˇāļą āļ
āļāļģ āļංāļāļŊ්āˇ් āˇැāļąි āˇිāļ¯්āˇāļුāļą්āļෙāļą් āļāļē āˇāļŠා āļ´ෝāˇāļĢāļē āˇී āļāļි āļļāˇ āļ´ෙāļąි āļēāļēි.
āļ¸ෙāļ¸ āļą්āļēාāļē āļ¸ෑāļ āļēුāļāļēේ āļ¸ුāļŊ්āˇāļģāļ§ āļĸාāļ්āļēාāļą්āļāļģāˇ āļ´ැāˇැāļ¯ිāˇ
ි āļāļģāļąු āļŊැāļļුāļļේ āļŠැāļąිāļēුāļļ් āļංāļ`ාāˇේ āļĸāļŊāļē āļļෙāļ¯ා āļැāļąීāļ¸ āļ´ිāˇ
ිāļļāļŗāˇ āˇූ āļāļļ්āˇිāļොāˇෝ - āļąāļිāļ¸āļģෝāˇ් āˇ්āļēාāļ´ෘāļිāļēāļ§
āļāļģෙāˇිāˇ āļĸාāļ්āļēාāļą්āļāļģ āļ
āļ°ිāļāļģāļĢāļēේ āˇංāļේāļģිāļēාāˇ āˇāˇ āˇ්āļŊොāˇැāļිāļēාāˇ āļ
āļāļģ āļ´ැāˇāļි āļąāļŠුāˇෙāļ¯ී āļāļ¸ āļ
āļ°ිāļāļģāļēේ āļāļ´ āˇāļˇාāļ´āļි āļāļ ාāļģ්āļē āļ්āļģිāˇ්āļ§ෝāļ´āļģ්
āļ්āļģෙāļāļģි āˇීāļģāļ¸āļą්āļ්āļģී āˇිāˇිāļą් āˇෙāļąāļ¸āļ¸ āļŊāļļා āļ¯ුāļą් āļීāļą්āļ¯ුāˇ āļ¸āļිāļą්āļē.
āļāļą්āļ´āˇු āļāļ¸ āļීāļą්āļ¯ු āļුāļģුāļāļģ āļāļąිāļ¸ිāļą් āļීāļģāļĢāļē āļāˇ
āļāļ´්āļ´ාāˇāļŊ āļ´ොāˇ්āļ´ේāļ§් āļąිāļ°ිāļē āļ´ිāˇ
ිāļļāļŗ āļąāļŠුāˇේāļ¯ී āļ¸ෙāļ¸ āļąා්āļēාāļē āļąැāˇāļ් āˇāļģāļ් āļ´ිāˇ
ිāļāļ් āļ
āļāļģ āļ
āļ¯ āļāļē āļĸාāļ්āļēාāļą්āļāļģ āļąීāļිāļēේ āļ¸ූāļŊāļ°āļģ්āļ¸āļēāļ් āļŊෙāˇāļ් āļĸාāļ්āļēාāļą්āļāļģ āļąීāļිāļē āˇෙāļ āļිāļē āļŊාංāļිāļē āļąීāļි āļāļģුāļ¸āļēāļ් āļŊෙāˇāļ් āļ´ිāˇ
ිāļැāļąීāļ¸āļ§ āļŊāļ්āˇ āļāļ. āˇ්āˇාāļˇාāˇිāļ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āˇāļŗāˇා āļĸීāˇිāļēෙāļුāļ§ āļāļි āļ
āļēිāļිāļē āˇැāļ¸ āļĸීāˇිāļēෙāļුāļ§ āˇ්āˇාāļˇාāˇිāļ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļ
āˇāˇ්āļēāļē āˇāļą්āļąේ āļāļ¸āļą්āļේ āļĸීāˇිāļāļēේ āļ´ැāˇැāļ්āļ¸ āˇෙāļąුāˇෙāļą්āļē. āˇැāļ¸ āļĸීāˇිāļēෙāļුāļේāļ¸ āļ´ැāˇැāļ්āļ¸ āļ
āˇāˇ්āļē āˇāļą්āļąේ, āļ¸āˇāļ´ොāˇ
āˇේ āļĸීāˇāļē āˇිāˇිāļ° āļĸීāˇීāļą්āļේ, āˇිāˇිāļ° āˇූ āļ්āļģිāļēාāļාāļģීāļ්āˇāļēāļą් āļ¸āļ āļļැāļŗී āļ´āˇāļිāļą āļąිāˇාāļē. āļāļąāļ¸් āļĸෛāˇිāˇිāļ°āļ්āˇāļē āļąිāˇාāļē. āļĸෛāˇිāˇිāļ°āļ්āˇ āˇංāļģāļ්āˇāļĢāļēේ āļ¸ූāļŊ්āļ āļ
āˇāˇ්āļēāļාāˇ āˇāļą්āļąේ āļāˇි āļ´ැāˇිāļāļ¸ āļ¸āˇāļ´ොāˇ
āˇ āļ¸āļ āļĸීāˇිāļē āļģෑāļŗී āļිāļļෙāļą āļąිāˇාāļē. āļ
āļąෙāļ් āļ
āļිāļą් āļāˇāļ් āļ´ැāˇැāļ¯ිāļŊි āļāˇ
āˇොāļ් āļĸෛāˇිāˇිāļ°āļ්āˇāļē āˇෙāˇāļ් āˇැāˇ āļĸීāˇිāļෙුāļේāļ¸ āļ´ැāˇැāļ්āļ¸ āļ
āļąු āļ
āļ´ි āˇැāļ¸āļේ āļ´ැāˇැāļ්āļ¸ āˇුāļģැāļීāļ¸āļēි. āļ¸ෙāˇිāļ¯ී āļāļģ්āļŽිāļ āˇංāˇāļģ්āļ°āļąāļēේ āļ
āˇāˇ්āļēāļාāˇ āļŊෙāˇ āˇāļŊāļāļąු āļŊāļļāļą්āļąේ, āˇැāļ¸āļේ āˇāļģිāļ āļ¯ේāˇ්āˇāļ´ාāļŊāļąāļē āļ¸ූāļŊිāļ āļ
āˇāˇ්āļēāļාāˇāļą්, āļ´āˇāļිāļą āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļ
āļąුāˇ āˇāļ´ුāļģාāˇ
ිāļ¸ āļ¸ිāˇ, āˇීāļ¸ිāļ āļ´ිāļģිāˇāļ්āļේ āļ
āˇීāļ¸ිāļ āļ
āˇāˇ්āļēāļාāˇāļą් āˇāļ´ුāļģාāļŊීāļ¸ āļąොāˇේ, āļāˇි āļ¸ූāļŊිāļ āļą්āļēාāļē āˇāļą්āļąේ, āļ¸āˇāļ´ොāˇ
āˇේ āļāļි āˇ්āˇාāļˇාāˇිāļ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āˇැāļ¸āļ§ āļ
āļēිāļි āļ¯ෙāļēāļ් āļļāˇāļ් āļāļēāļ§ āļāļ් āˇිāļ¸ිāļāļģුāˇෙāļු āļąොāļ¸ැāļි āļļāˇāļ්āļē. āļāļąිāˇා āļāļ¸ āļĸීāˇāļą āļ´ැāˇāļ්āļ¸ āˇෙāļąුāˇෙāļą් āˇ්āˇාāļˇාāˇිāļ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļŊāļļා āļැāļąීāļ¸ේ āļ
āļēිāļිāļē āˇැāļ¸āļ§āļ¸ āļāļි āļļāˇāļ්āļē.
āˇāļģිāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļąāļēේ āļ¯ී āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļē āļොāļŠāļąāļāļą āļāļාāļģāļē āˇāˇ āļāļ§ āļąාāļēāļāļ්āˇāļē āˇැāļ´āļēීāļ¸ āļāļ¸ āˇāļ¸ාāļĸāļēේ āļģාāļĸ්āļē āļąාāļēāļāļēාāļේ āļාāļģ්āļēāļē āļˇාāļģāļēāļēි. āļāļ¸ āļģāļ§ේ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļą āˇ්āˇāļˇාāˇāļē āļීāļģāļĢāļē āļāļģāļą්āļąේ āļāˇු āļģāļ§ේ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļē āļąැංāˇීāļ¸āļ§ āļēොāļ¯ා āļāļą්āļąා āļāļ´āļ්āļģāļ¸ āļ
āˇ්āļģී āļŊංāļාāˇ āˇ්āˇාāļˇාāˇිāļ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļ
āļිāļą් āˇිāˇාāļŊ āˇāˇāļēෙāļą් āļ´ොāˇාāˇāļ් āļģāļ§āļි. āļāļąිāˇා āļ
āļ´ āļ¯āļą්āļąා āļāļිāˇාāˇāļēේ āˇිāļ§ āļ
āļ´ේ āļģāļ§ේ āļģāļĸāˇāļģු āļ¸ෙāļģāļ§ āļොāļŠ āļąැංāˇූāļēේ āļ¯ේāˇීāļē āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļēොāļ¯ා āļāļąිāļ¸ිāļą්āļē. āļāˇිāļ¯ී āļ´්āļģāļ¸ුāļ āˇූāļēේ āļෘāˇි āļąිāˇ්āļ´ාāļ¯āļą, āļ¸ුāļු āˇැāļąි āˇෙāˇ
āļŗ āļˇාāļĢ්āļŠāļē.
āˇ්āļģී āļŊංāļාāˇ āļ
āļීāļēේāļ¯ී āˇැāļŗිāļą්āˇූāļēේ āļ´ෙāļģāļ¯ිāļ āļ°්āļēāļąාāļාāļģāļē āļŊෙāˇāļē. āļුāˇ
ුāļļāļŠු āļ
āļģාāļļි āˇෙāˇ
ෙāļą්āļŗāļą් āˇිāˇිāļą් āļ¸ෙāļģāļ§ිāļą් āļ
āļ´āļģāļ¯ිāļāļ§ āļෙāļą āļēāļąු āļŊැāļļූ āļ´්āļģāļ°ාāļą āˇෙāˇ
āļŗ āļ¯්āļģāˇ්āļēāļēāļි. āļ¸ේ āˇේāļුāˇ āļąිāˇා āļ
āļ´ේ āļģāļ§ේ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļ āļąැංāˇීāļ¸āļ§ āˇෙāļąāļ් āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ්āˇāļŊිāļą් āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļොāļŊ්āļŊා āļෑāļ¸āļ§ āļ
āˇāˇ්āļē āļąොāˇුāļĢි. āļ
āļ´ි āļąිāļģāļą්āļāļģāļēෙāļą්āļ¸, āļ
āˇāˇāļą් āˇීāļ¸āļිāļą් āļොāļģāˇ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļොāļŠāļąැංāˇāļ¸ිāļą් āˇිāļ§ි āļģāļ§āļි. āļāļąිāˇා āļ
āļ´ි āļāļ්āļģāļ¸āļĢිāļ āļĸාāļිāļēāļ් āļąොāˇූāļēෙāļ¸ු. āļāˇෙāļąුāˇāļ§ āļ
āļ´āļ§ āˇිāļ¯ුāˇූāļēේ āļāļ්āļģāļ¸āļĢිāļāļēāļą්āļෙāļą්
āļļේāļģී āˇිāļ§ිāļ¸āļ§āļē. āļ
āļ´ේ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļēේ āļ´āļ¯āļąāļ¸ āˇූāļēේ āļොāˇිāļැāļąāļēි. āļ
āļ´ේ āļģāļĸුāļේ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļ āˇංāˇāļģ්āļ°āļąāļē āˇāļŗāˇා āˇāļāļීāļ¸ āˇූāļēේ āļēුāļ¯්āļ° āļිāļģීāļ¸ āļąොāˇ, āļොāˇිāļැāļą āļąāļා āˇිāļ§ූāˇීāļ¸āļ§ āļ
āˇāˇ්āļē āļēāļ§ිāļāļŊ āļ´āˇāˇුāļāļ¸් āˇāļāˇ් āļāļģ āļ¯ීāļ¸āļēි. āļ āļąිāˇා āļģāļĸ āˇāļą āļැāļąැāļ්āļා āļ
āļąිāˇාāļģ්āļēෙāļą්āļ¸ āļොāˇිāļැāļą āļ´ිāˇ
ිāļļāļŗ āļ¸āļąා āˇāļļෝāļ°āļēෙāļą් āļēුāļු āļ
āļēෙāļු āˇිāļē āļēුāļුāļē.āļ¸āļŠ āˇොāļ¯ා āļāļ් āļāˇ
āļොāˇිāļēා āļģāļĸ āļāļ¸āļ§ āˇුāļ¯ුāˇුāļē” āļēāļą āļිāļēāļ¸āļąේ āļ
āļģ්āļŽāļē āļāļēāļēි. āļෘāˇි āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļē āļ¸āļ āļ´āļ¯āļąāļ¸්āˇූ āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļēāļ් āļ´ැāˇāļි āļąිāˇා āļāļģ්āļŽිāļ āļ
āļිāļą් āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āˇāļ¸ාāļĸāļēāļāļ§ āˇිāļ¸ි āļාāļ්āˇāļĢිāļ āļ¯ිāļēāļĢුāˇ āļ¸ෙāļą්āļ¸ āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āļāļŊා āˇිāļŊ්āļ´ āˇāļŊිāļą් āˇāļ¸āļą්āˇිāļ āˇංāˇ්āļෘāļිāļēāļ් āļ
āļ´ේ āļģāļ§ේ āļ´ැāˇāļුāļĢි.
āļąිāˇāļģ්āļāļą āļāļŊාāļ´āļēāļ§ āļ
āļēāļ් āļģāļ§āˇāļŊāļ§ āˇāˇāļģ āļ´ුāļģාāļ¸ āˇිāļģුāļāļŊිāļē, āļĸāļŊāļē āļිāļļෙāļą āļąිāˇා āˇāˇāļģ āļ´ුāļģාāļ¸ āˇාāļāˇāļŊāļ§ āļāˇාāļģ āļąිāļ´āļ¯āˇීāļ¸āļ§ āˇැāļිāļē. āļ āļąිāˇාāļ¸ āļ āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ āļāˇාāļģ āˇුāļģāļ්āˇිāļāļාāˇ āˇāˇ āˇ්āˇාāļ°ීāļąāļ්āˇāļē āˇ්āˇāļˇාāˇāļēෙāļą්āļ¸ āˇිāˇāļŗී āļ´ැāˇāļුāļĢි. āļąāļ¸ුāļ් āˇāˇāļģ āļ´ුāļģා āˇිāļģු āļāļŊිāļē āˇෝ āļĸāļŊāļē āļąැāļි āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ āļāļ්āˇāļē āļ¸ෙāļēāļ§ āˇෙāļąāˇ්āļē. āļŊොāˇ āļ´ැāļģāļĢිāļ¸ āˇāˇ āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āˇීāˇ්āļ¨ාāļ ාāļģ, āļąිāˇāļģ්āļāļą āļāļŊāļ´āļēāļ§ āļ
āļēāļ් āļāˇිāļēāļąු, āļ
āļ´්āļģිāļාāļąු āˇāˇ āļŊāļිāļą් āļāļ¸āļģිāļාāļąු āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ āļ´ැāˇāļුāļąු āļ
āļāļģ āļ āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļēāļ් āˇāˇ āˇංāˇ්āļෘāļිāļēāļ් āļොāļŠāļąැංāˇුāļąේ āļ¸ේ āˇ්āˇාāļˇාāˇිāļ āļāļ්āˇāļē āļąිāˇාāļē. āļāˇේāļ¸ āˇāˇāļģේ āļ
āļŠāļāļ§ āļāˇāļą්āļą āļාāļŊāļēāļ් āļāˇාāļģ āˇāˇා āļāļ āļąොāˇැāļි āˇිāļ āˇāļ¸āļēāļ් āˇāˇිāļ āļēුāļģෝāļ´ීāļē āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ āˇāļ¸ාāļĸāļēāļą් āˇාāˇිāļ්āļēāļēෙāļą්,āļāļŊාāˇāļą්āļෙāļą් āļ¸ෙāļą් āļාāļ්āˇāļĢāļēෙāļą් āˇāˇ āˇංāˇ්āļෘāļිāļēෙāļą්āļ¯ āļāļ¸ āļēුāļāļēේ āļ¯ී āļāļා āļ´āˇāļŊ āļ¸āļ§්āļ§āļ¸āļ āļ´ැāˇāļුāļąේāļ¯ āļ¸ේ āˇේāļුāˇෙāļą්āļē. āļ¸ේ āļēුāļģෝāļ´ිāļē āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ āˇāļ¸ාāļĸ āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢුāˇ āļāļģāļ¸්āļˇ āˇූāļēේ āļ¸ුāˇුāļ¯ āļ¸ංāļොāļŊ්āļŊාāļāļģුāˇāļą් āļŊෙāˇ āļ
āļ´ේ āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ් āļොāļŊ්āļŊා āļා āļෙāļą āļ āļ°āļąāļē āļāļ¸ āļģāļ§āˇāļŊāļ§ āļෙāļą āļොāˇ් āļāļģ්āļŽිāļ āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢුāļāļģ āļැāļąිāļ¸ෙāļą් āļ´āˇුāˇāļē.
āˇāļģිāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļąāļēේ āˇ්āˇāļˇාāˇāļē
āļāļąැāļ¸ āļģāļ§āļ āˇෝ āˇāļ¸ාāļĸāļēāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļą āˇ්āˇāļˇාāˇāļēāļ§ āļ´āļ¯āļąāļ¸් āˇāļą්āļąේ āļāˇි āļ´āˇāļිāļą āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļēේ āˇ්āˇāļˇාāˇāļēāļēි. āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļēේ āˇ්āˇāļˇාāˇāļē āļ´āˇāļිāļą්āļąේ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ්āˇāļŊ āļ´්āļģāļ¸ාāļĢāļē āˇāˇ āˇ්āˇāļˇාāˇāļē āļ¸āļāļēි. āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āˇිāļ āˇāļ¸ාāļĸāļēāļāļ§ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļ āļ
āļිāļą් āˇāļģ්āļ°āļąāļē āˇීāļ¸āļ§ āˇැāļි āˇāļą්āļąේ āļ
āļąෙāļ් āļģāļ§āļ āˇෝ āļ´්āļģāļ¯ේāˇāļēāļ āļ´āˇāļිāļą āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļ¸ංāļොāļŊ්āļŊා āļෑāļ¸ āļ¸āļිāļą්āļē. āļąැāļāˇොāļ් āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļ
āļිāļą් āļ´ොāˇොāˇāļ් āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ āļිāļļෙāļą āļ¯ේ āļ¸ිāļŊāļ¯ි āļෙāļą, āļāļ¸ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļ
āļŠු āļģāļ§āˇāļŊāļ§ āˇිāļිāļĢීāļ¸ේ āˇෙāˇ
āļŗ āļාāļģ්āļēāļē āļ¸āļිāļą් āļ¸ුāļ¯āļŊ් āļāļ´āˇා āļැāļąිāļ¸āļ¸ෙāļą් āļāļģāļļි āļĸාāļිāļāļēāļą් āˇිāˇිāļą් āļāļģāļąු āļŊැāļļුāˇේ āļ āļාāļģ්āļēāļēි. āļ¸ේ āļ
āļąුāˇ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļģāˇිāļ āˇāļ¸ාāļĸāļēāļāļ§ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļොāļŊ්āļŊා āļෑāļ¸āļ§ āļąāļ¸්, āļāˇි āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļą āˇ්āˇāļˇාāˇāļēේ āˇāˇ āļąාāļēāļāļ්āˇāļēේ āˇැāļිāļēාāˇ āˇිāļē āļēුāļ්āļේ āļ¸ංāļොāļŊ්āļŊා āļෑāļ¸ේ āļ¯āļ්āˇāļාāˇāļēāļēි. āļ āļąිāˇා āļ āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ āļąාāļēāļāļ්āˇāļēāļ§ āˇුāļ¯ුāˇු āˇāļą්āļąේ āļොāļŊ්āļŊා leāļ¸ේ āļ¯āļ්āˇāļාāˇāļą්āļෙāļą් āļ´ිāļģි āļ¸ංāļොāļŊ්āļŊාāļāļģුāˇෙāļුāļ§āļē. āļģොāļļිāļą්āˇුāļ් āļ§ෙāļŊිāļąාāļ§්āļēāļē āļļāļŊāļą āˇිāļ§ āļ´ැāˇැāļ¯ිāļŊිāˇ āļ´ෙāļąී āļēāļą්āļąේ, āļāļ¸ āļēුāļāļēේ āļංāļāļŊāļą්āļāļē āļ´ාāļŊāļąāļē āļāˇ
āļģāļĸු āˇිāļē āļ´ාāļŊāļąāļē āļෙāļąāļිāļēේ āļģāļ§āˇැāˇිāļēාāļේ āļ
āˇ්āˇැāļą්āļą āˇāˇ āļāļ´āļēීāļ¸් āļļāļ¯ු āļŊෙāˇ āļ¸ංāļොāļŊ්āļŊ āļෑāļ¸ āļ¸āļ āļ¸ිāˇ, āˇāļ¸ාāļĸ āˇුāļļāˇාāļ°āļąāļēāļ් āļ¸āļ āˇෝ āˇāļ¸ාāļĸ āˇāļāļිāļ¸āļ් āļ
āļąුāˇ āļ´āˇāļ්āˇා āļෙāļą āļąොāļිāļē āļļāˇāļēි. āļ āļ
āļąුāˇ āļāļ¸ āļēුāļāļēේāļ¯ි āļංāļāļŊāļą්āļāļēේ āļ´ැāˇāļුāļąේ āļ ෞāļģ āļģාāļĸ්āļēāļē āļ´ාāļŊāļąāļēāļි. āļ āļ
āļąුāˇ āļ āˇāļ¸ාāļĸāļēේ āļ´āˇāļිāļą āˇ්āˇāļˇාāˇāļē āˇāˇ āļąීāļිāļē āļ¸ංāļොāļŊ්āļŊා āļෑāļ¸ āˇෙāļąුāˇෙāļą් āˇāˇ āļ¸ංāļොāļŊ්āļŊා āļāļą āļ¯ේāˇāļŊ් āļąීāļ්āļēාāļąු āļූāļļāˇ āļ´ිāˇ
ිāļāļą්āļąා āļąීāļිāļēāļ් āˇāˇිāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļąāļēāļි. āļ¸ේ āˇāļ¸ාāļĸāˇāļŊ āļ´ැāˇāļි āļāļāļ¸් āļ´āˇා āļ¸ංāļොāļŊ්āļŊා āļෑāļ¸ āļ´ිāˇ
ිāļāļą්āļąා, āļāļ¸ āļ්āļģිāļēාāˇ āˇාāļ°ාāļģāļĢීāļāļģāļąāļē āļāļģāļą āˇāˇ āļāļē āļ¯ෙāˇිāļēāļą්āļෙ āļැāļ¸ැāļ්āļ āļŊෙāˇ āļ´්āļģāļාāˇ āļāļģāļą āļāˇාāļē.
āļāļ ාāļģ්āļē āˇāļą්āļ¯āļąා āˇිāˇා āˇිāˇිāļą් āļ්āļģිāˇ්āļ§ෝāļ´āļģ්
āļොāļŊāļ¸්āļļāˇ් āļේ āļ´ුāļąāļģ්āļāļ¸āļąāļē” āļąැāļ¸āļි āļ´්āļģāļāļ§ āļŊිāļ´ිāļēෙāļą් āļ¸ේ āļāļ්āˇāļē āļ´ැāˇැāļ¯ිāļŊි āļāļģ āļිāļļූ āļāļාāļģāļē āļ´ෙāļą්āˇා āļ¯ීāļ¸āļ§ āļ¸ෙāļ¸ āļොāļ§āˇ āļāļ´ුāļ§ා āļ¯ැāļ්āˇීāļ¸ āˇāļŠා āˇුāļ¯ුāˇුāļē. 1492 āļ
āļ´්āļģේāļŊ් āļ¸āˇ17 āˇāļą āļ¯ිāļąāļē āļēāļ§āļ්āˇිāļĸිāļāļāļģāļą āļāļිāˇාāˇāļēේ āˇුāˇිāˇේāˇි āļ¯ිāļąāļēāļි. āļāļ§ āˇේāļුāˇ āļāˇāļļෙāļŊා āļģැāļĸිāļĢ āˇāˇ āˇāļģ්āļŠිāļąāļą්āļ්āˇ් āļģāļĸු āˇිāˇිāļą් āļ්āļģිāˇ්āļ§ෝāļ´āļģ්
āļොāļŊāļ¸්āļļāˇ් āˇෙāļ āˇෙāļąāļ් āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ් āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āˇොāļēා āļēාāļ¸āļ§ āˇāˇ āļāˇා āļ
āļ්āļ´āļ් āļāļģ āļැāļąfී āļ¸්” :Discover and con Quest āˇāļģāļ´āˇ්āļģ ාāļ¯āļē āļŊāļļා āļ¯ිāļ¸ āļąāˇි āļē .āļāļą ් āˇāˇāļģāļāļ§ āļ´āˇු 1493 āļ¸ැāļēි āļ¸āˇ 4āˇāļą āļ¯ිāļą 6 āˇැāļąි āļāļŊෙāļ්āˇැāļą්āļŠāļģ් āļ´ාāļ´්āˇāļģāļēා āˇිāˇිāļą් āļ´්āļģāļාāˇāļēāļ§ āļ´āļ් āļāˇ
āļ´ාāļ´්āļේ āļ´්āļģāļාāˇāļąāļē”
Bull of Donation āļēāļ§āļ්āˇිāļĸිāļāļāļģāļąāļē āļ´ිāˇ
ිāļļāļŗ āļāˇ
āļ āˇැāļ¯āļāļ් āˇංāˇිāļ¯්āļ°ිāļēāļēි. āļāļ§ āˇේāļු āļāļ¸ āļ´්āļģāļාāˇāļąāļē āļ¸āļිāļą් āļāļෙāļ් āļĸāļąāļēා āļ´āļ¯ිංāļ ිāˇ āļąොāˇිāļ§ි āˇෝ 1492 āļąāļ්āļāļŊ් āļ¯ිāļą āļ¯āļ්āˇා āļ්āļģිāˇ්āļිāļēාāļąි
āļģāļĸෙāļුāļ§ āˇෝ āļුāļ¸āļģෙāļුāļ§ āļēāļ§āļ්āˇ āļąොāļ¸ැāļි, āļāļģෝāˇ් āˇිāļ§ āļāļą්āļ¯ිāļēාāˇ āļ¯āļ්āˇා, āļļāļ§āˇිāļģāļ§ āˇāˇ āļ¯āļුāļĢāļ§ āˇැāļāļ´ුāļ¸් 300āļ් āļ¯ුāļģāļ§ āˇූ ,āļ¸ෙāļෙāļ් āˇොāļēා āļෙāļą āļිāļļූ āˇāˇ āˇොāļēා āļąොāļāļ් āˇිāļēāļŊුāļ¸ āļ¯ූāļ´āļ් āˇāˇ āļ¯ැāˇැāļą්āļ āļˇූāļ¸ි, āļāļෝāļŊිāļ āļģාāļĸාāļĢ්āļŠුāˇෙāˇි āļāļąāļ¸් āļැāˇ්āļ§ිāļŊāļēේ āļāˇāļļෙāļŊ් āļģැāļĸිāļąāļ§ āˇāˇ āļāļģ්āļෝāļą් āˇි āˇāļģ්āļŠිāļąāļą්āļ්āˇ් āļģāļĸුāļ§ āļ
āļēāļ් āļļāˇ āļ´්āļģāļාāˇ āļිāļģිāļ¸ āļąිāˇāļēි. āļ¸ේ āļ්āļģිāļēාāˇāļŊිāļē
ිāļļāļŗāˇ āļŊිāļēāļ¸ිāļą් āˇොāļŊ්āļ§āļģ් āļāļŊ්āļŊāļ¸āļą් āˇිāˇිāļą් āˇිāļē āļ¸āļ°්āļēāļාāļŊීāļą āļ´ාāļ´්āˇාāļ¯āļēෙāˇි āļ¸ෙāˇේ āļ¯āļ්āˇා āļāļ. āļ¯ෙāˇිāļēāļą්āļේ āļĸāļēāļ්āļģāˇāļāļēා victior of god āˇූ āļ´ාāļ´් āˇිāļා āˇිāļ§ිāļēේ āļ¸āˇ āļ´ොāˇ
āˇ āļēāļąු āˇිāļē āļැāļ¸ැāļ්āļāļ§ āļ
āļąුāˇ, āļ¸ුāļĢිāˇāļģāļēāļą්āļේ āļāļāļāļ්āˇāļē āļ¸āļ, āļāļąෑāļ¸ āļ¯ෙāļēāļ් āļිāļģීāļ¸ āˇāļŗāˇා āļāˇුāļ§ āļąිāļēෝāļ āļāˇ
āˇැāļි āļāˇුāļේ āļļූāļ¯āļŊāļēāļ් āļŊෙāˇāļ§āļē. āļ¸āˇ āļ´ොāˇ
āˇේ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļ¸ංāļොāļŊ්āļŊා āļෑāļ¸ේ āļ්āļģිāļēාāˇ āļēුāļģෝāļ´ීāļē āļģාāļĸාāļĢ්āļŠුāˇ āˇිāˇිāļą් āˇāļą්āļąāˇ් āˇāˇ āļļāļŊāļ´āļ්āļģ āļ¸āļිāļą් āļ¯ෙāˇිāļēāļą්āļේ āļැāļ¸ැāļ්āļāļ්’ āļļāˇāļ§ āļ´āļģිāˇāļģ්āļŽāļąāļē āļāļģāļąු āļŊැāļļුāˇේ āļ¸ේ āļāļාāļģāļēāļ§āļē. āļāļ්āļෙāļą්āļ¸ āļ´ාāļ´් āˇිāˇිāļą් āļēුāļģෝāļ´ීāļē āļģāļĸාāļĢ්āļŠුāˇāļ§ āļŊāļļාāļ¯ුāļą් āļāļ¸ āļෑāļ්āļāļ§ āļ āˇāļąāļෙāļ් āļąිāļ¯āˇāˇ්āˇ āļĸාāļීāļą්āˇ āˇිāļ§ āļēāļ§āļ්āˇිāļĸිāļ āļļāˇāļ§ āļ´āļ් āˇූ āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ āļĸāļąāļාāˇ āļ
āļēāļ් āļąොāˇāļą āļļāˇ āļ
āļ´ි āļāˇුāļģුāļ් āļ´ැāˇැāļ¯ිāļŊිāˇāļ¸ āļ¯āļąිāļ¸ු. āļāļ§ āˇේāļුāˇ āļāļ¸ āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ් āļ´ාāļ´්āļේ āļļāļŊāļēāļ§ āļēāļ§āļ්āˇ āˇිāļ§ිāļēේ āļąැāļි āļąිāˇාāļē. āļąāļ¸ුāļ් āļāļෝāļŊිāļ āļ´āļŊ්āļŊිāļēේ āļāļāļ¸්āˇාāļ¯ී āļිāļą්āļ¯ුāˇ āļ
āļąුāˇ, āļāļැāļą් āˇිāļ§ āļāˇුāļą්āļ§ āļēāļ§āļ් āˇූ āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ āˇිāļēāļŊූ āļĸාāļීāˇූ āļēුāļģෝāļ´ීāļēාāļąු āļ්āļģිāˇ්āļිāļēාāļąි
āļģාāļĸාāļĢ්āļŠුāˇේ āļ´ාāļŊāļąāļēāļ§ āļēāļ§āļ් āˇූāˇ.
āļāļැāļą ් āˇāļ§ි āļ¸ේ āļ¸ංāļොāļŊāļŊ් ාāļāļģුāˇāļąāļ§් āˇāļ¸āˇු āļą āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ෙāļēāļāļ¸් āļāˇāļąු fāļ āļ¯ෙāļ´් āļŊāļ් āļļāˇāļ§” āļ´āļ් āˇූ āļ
āļāļģ āˇෙāļąāļ් āļāļāļ¸āļ් āļāļ¯ැāˇූ āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ෙāļąාāļ¸ āļāˇුāļą්āļේ āļāļāļ¸āļ§” āļēāļ§āļ් āļāļģāˇීāļē. āļ´ාāļ´්āļේ āļ´්āļģāļාāˇāļē āļ¸āļිāļą් āˇිāļ¯ු āļāļŊේ āļොāļŊ්āļ¸්āļļāˇ්āļ§ āˇāļą්āˇāļ් āļ¸āļිāļą් āļŊāļļා āļ¯ුāļą් āļ
āļ°ිāļාāļģිāļē āˇāˇ āļļāļŊāļ´āļ්āļģāļēāļ§ āļāˇāļ¯ුāļģāļ§āļ් āļąෛāļිāļ āˇāˇ āˇāļ¯ාāļ ාāļģාāļ්āļ¸āļ āļ´āļ¯āļąāļ¸āļ් āˇāļāˇ් āļිāļģීāļ¸āļē. āļāļ¸āļිāļą් āļēුāļģෝāļ´ිāļē āļąොāˇāļą āļĸāļąāļාāˇ āļēāļ§āļ් āļāļģ āļැāļąීāļ¸āļ§ āˇāˇ āļāˇුāļą්āˇ āˇූāļģා āļෑāļ¸āļ§ āļąෛāļිāļ āˇāˇ āˇāļ¯ාāļ ාāļģāļ්āļ¸āļ āļ´āˇුāļļිāļ¸āļ් āˇāļāˇ් āļāļģ āļ¯ිāļ¸āļēි. āļ¸ෙāˇි āˇāļģ්āļŽāļ¸ාāļą āļ´්āļģāļිāļĩāļŊāļē āˇූāļēේ āļāˇāļāļ§ āļ¸ිāļŊිāļēāļą 72 āļ් āļ´āļ¸āļĢ āˇූ āˇāˇ f āļ¯ ් āˇ ී āļē āļāļ¸āļģිāļාāļąු āļĸāļąāļාāˇ āˇිāļēāˇāˇ් āļීāļ´āļēāļ් āļුāˇ
āļ¯ී āļ¸ිāļŊිāļēāļą 4āļ් āļ¯āļ්āˇා āˇිāļąාāˇ āļāļģ āļ¯ැāļ¸ීāļ¸āļēි.
āļ¸ෙāļ¸ āļāļ්āˇāļē āļ´āˇāļ්āļąා āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļą āļ්āļģāļ¸āļēāļ§
āļļොāˇෝ āˇāļ¸ාāļąāļē āļāļāļ¸ āˇැāļ¸ āˇිāļ§āļ¸ āļģාāļĸ්āļē āļąාāļēāļāļēාāļ§ āļēāļ§āļ්āļē āļāļāļ¸āļļොāˇෝ āļ¯ුāļģāļāļ§ āļ
āļ¯ාāļŊ āˇāļ¸ාāļĸāļēේ āļąීāļිāļēāļ§ āļ´āļ¯āļąāļ¸් āˇāļą āļļāˇ āļ
āļ´ි āļ¯āļąිāļ¸ු. āļ āļ
āļąුāˇ āļ¸ංāļොāļŊ්āļŊාāļාāļģී āˇāļ¸ාāļĸāļēේ āļąීāļිāļēāļ¯ āļ¸ංāļොāļŊ් āļෑāļ¸ āˇාāļ°ාāļģāļĢීāļāļģāļąāļē āļිāļģීāļ¸ āˇෙāļąුāˇෙāļą් āˇැāļāˇෙāļą්āļąේāļē āļāļ¯ාāˇāļģāļĢāļēāļāļ§ āļ
āļ´ āļģāļ§ෙි āļ´āļģිāˇāļģ āļąිāļිāļē āļ´ෙāļą්āˇාāļ¯ිāļē āˇැāļිāļē’
āļąෙāļ් āļ
āļිāļą් āˇිāļē āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļ¸āļ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļē āļ´āˇāļ්āˇා āļāļą්āļąා āļģාāļĸ්āļēāļēāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļąāļē āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āˇුāļģැāļිāļ¸ āļ¸āļ āļ´āļ¯āļąāļ¸් āˇේ. āļ¸ේ āˇāļŗāˇා āļāļ¸āļą්āļේ āˇ්āˇාāļˇාāˇිāļ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļ¸āļ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļē āļොāļŠāļąංāˇා āļෙāļą āļ´ැāˇāļ්āˇාāļāļ් āļģාāļĸ්āļēāļ් āˇāļą āļ
āļීāļ āļŊංāļාāˇ āļąිāļ¯āˇුāļąāļ් āļŊෙāˇ āļāļąිāļ¸ු. āļ
āļීāļ āļŊංāļාāˇේ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļēේ āļ´āļ¯āļąāļ¸ āˇූāļēේ āļොāˇිāļැāļąāļēි. āļāļąිāˇා āļģāļĸුāļේ āˇāļāļීāļ¸ āˇāˇ āļාāļģ්āļē āˇāļą්āļąේ āļොāˇිāļැāļą āļāļģāļ්āˇා āļිāļģිāļ¸ āˇāˇ āˇංāˇāļģ්āļ°āļąāļē āļිāļģිāļ¸āļēි. āļ āˇāļŗāˇා āļ
āˇāˇāļē āļ´āˇāˇුāļāļ¸් āˇැāļ´āļēිāļ¸āļēි. āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļąāļē āļොāˇිāļැāļą āˇෙāļąුāˇෙāļą් āļ´āˇāļිāļą් āļąිāˇා āļāˇි āļąීāļි āˇිāļēāļŊ්āļŊ āļොāˇිāļැāļą āļāļģāļ්āˇා āļිāļģිāļ¸ āļ´ිāļĢිāˇāļ¸ āļ´ැāˇāļුāļąි. āļ¸ෙāļģāļ§ āļොāˇි āļැāļą āˇāļ¸්āļ´ුāļģ්āļĢāļēෙāļą්āļ¸ āļ´āļģිāˇāļģ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āˇāˇ āˇොāļļාāļ¯āˇāļ¸ේ āļ්āļģිāļēාāˇāļŊිāļē
āˇāļ¸āļ āļļැāļŗී āļිāļļෙāļą āļąිāˇා, āļොāˇි āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļē āļāļģāļ්āˇා āļāļģ āļැāļąීāļ¸āļ§ āļąāļ¸්, āļ´āļģිāˇāļģāļē āˇāˇ āˇොāļļාāļ¯āˇāļ¸ේ āļ්āļģිāļēාāļ¯ාāļ¸āļē
āļāļģāļ්āˇා āļāļģ āļāļ āļēුāļුāļē. āļ āˇāļŗāˇා āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļąāļēේ āļ´්āļģāļ°ාāļąāļ¸ āļāļģ්āļēāļē āˇāļą්āļąේ āļ´āļģිāˇāļģāļē āˇāˇ āˇොāļļාāļ¯āˇāļ¸ේ āļ්āļģිāļēාāļාāļģීāļ්āˇāļē
āļģැāļ āļැāļąීāļ¸āļēි. āļāļąිāˇා āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļąāļē āˇිāˇිāļą් āļąිāļිāļē āļ¸ෙāˇෙāļēāˇāļąු āļŊāļļāļą්āļąේ āˇāˇ āļąීāļිāļēේ āļ´āļ¯āļąāļ¸් āˇāļą්āļąේāļ¯ āļ´āļģිāˇāļģāļē āļāļģāļ්āˇා āļāļģ āļැāļąිāļ¸āļēි. āļŊංāļාāˇේ āļ´ැāļģāļĢි āļģාāļĸ්āļē āļ්āļģāļ¸āļē āˇāļģිāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļą āļ්āļģāļ¸āļēāļ් āļŊෙāˇ āļ´ැāˇāļු āļļāˇ āļ´ෙāļą්āˇා āļ¯ෙāļą්āļąේ āļ¸ේ āļ´āļ¯āļąāļ¸ āļ
āļąුāˇāļē. āļāļąāļ¸් āļģāļ§ේ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļēේ āļ´āļ¯āļąāļ¸ āˇූ āļොāˇිāļැāļą, āļ´āļģිāˇāļģ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āˇāˇ āļ්āļģිāļēාāļ¯ාāļ¸ āļ¸āļ āļēැāļ´ිāļ¸ āˇāˇ āļ´āļģිāˇāļģ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ āļģැāļ āļැāļąāļ¸ෙāļą් āļොāļģāˇ āļොāˇි āļāļģ්āļŽිāļ āļ´āˇāļ්āˇා āļāļ āļąොāˇැāļි āļąිāˇා āļ¸ෙāļģāļ§ āļāļ´ැāļģāļĢි āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļąāļē āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļˇාāˇිāļාāˇ āļ¯ිāļු āļාāļŊීāļąāˇ āļ´āˇāļ්āˇා āļෙāļą āļēාāļ¸ āļ¸āļ āˇැāļāˇි āļිāļļුāļąි. āļ āļąිāˇා āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļˇාāˇිāļාāˇ āˇූāļģා āļැāļąීāļ¸āļිāļą් āļොāļģāˇ, āļ¯ිāļු āļාāļŊීāļąāˇ āļˇාāˇිāļා āļිāļģිāļ¸ āļģාāļĸ්āļē āļąීāļිāļēේ āļ¸ූāļŊāļ°āļģ්āļ¸āļē āˇිāļē. āļොāˇි āļැāļą āˇāļŗāˇා āļ´āļģිāˇāļģāļē āˇෙāļąāˇ් āļිāļģිāļ¸ āļ´āļģිāˇāļģāļēāļ§ āļ¯āļģාāļāļ āˇැāļි āļŊෙāˇ’ āļ´āˇāļ්āˇා āļāļ āļēුāļුāļē āļēāļą්āļą āļāˇි āļāˇāļ් āļ¸ුāļŊ āļ°āļģ්āļ¸āļēāļ් āˇිāļē. āļāļąිāˇා āˇැāļ¸ āˇංāˇāļģ්āļ°āļą āļාāļģ්āļēāļēāļ්āļ¸ āļ´āļģිāˇāļģāļēේ āļ´ැāˇැāļ්āļ¸ āļāˇුāļģු āļāļģāļą āļ¯ෙāļēāļ් āļ¸ිāˇ, āļāļ§ āˇාāļąි āļāļģāļą āļ¯ෙāļēāļ් āļąොāˇුāļąි.
āļ¸ෙāˇි āļ
āˇāˇāļą් āļ´්āļģāļŽිāļĩāļŊāļē āˇූ āˇāˇāļģ2500 āļāļ§ āļ
āļ°ිāļ āļාāļŊāļēāļ් āļ´ුāļģා āļŊංāļාāˇ āļāļą්āļ¯ිāļēාāˇ āˇැāļąි āļģāļ§āˇāļŊāļ§, āļොāˇිāļැāļą āļ¸āļ āļ´āļ¯āļąāļ¸් āˇූ āļāļ¸ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļē āļ¸āļිāļą් āļāļා āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢු āˇāˇ āˇ්āļŽාāˇāļģ āˇāļ¸ාāļĸ āˇංāˇāļģ්āļ°āļąāļēāļ් āļ´āˇāļ්āˇා āļෙāļą āļēාāļ¸āļ§ āˇැāļි āˇිāļē. āļ āļ
āļąුāˇ āļ āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ āˇāļģිāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊ āļ්āļģāļ¸āļē āļ¯ිāļු āļාāļŊීāļą් āˇංāˇāļģ්āļ°āļąāļēāļāļ§ āļ´āļ¯āļąāļ¸් āˇිāļē.
āˇ්āˇාāļˇාāˇිāļ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļෑāļ¯āļģ āļŊෙāˇ āˇුāļģා āļැāļąීāļ¸ේāļą් āˇීāļ්āļģ āļ¯ිāļēුāļĢුāˇāļ් āļŊāļļා āļāļ āˇැāļි āļļāˇ āļļāļ§āˇිāļģ āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ් āļෙāļ§ි āļාāļŊāļēāļ් āļුāˇ
āļąුāļą්āļේ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļ¸āļ āļŊැāļļූ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļ āļ¯ිāļēāļĢුāˇ āļŊෙāˇ āļļැāļŊීāļ¸ෙāļ¯ී āļ
āˇිāˇාāļ¯ිāļāˇ āļ´ිāˇ
ිāļāļ āˇැāļිāļē. āļ
āļąෙāļ් āļ
āļāļ§ āļ´āļģිāˇāļģāļē āˇැāļąāˇිāļ¸ āļුāˇ
āˇāˇ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āˇුāļģා āļැāļąිāļ¸ āļුāˇ
āļāļ¸ āļ´ැāˇැāļ්āļ¸ āˇāˇāļģ 250āļ්āˇāļ් āļ´āˇāļ්āˇා āļෙāļą āļēාāļ¸āļ§ āļąොāˇැāļි āˇිāļē. āļāļąිāˇා āļ
āļ¯ āļ
āļ´āļ§ āˇāļŠා āˇāļģිāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļąāļēāļ āļ
āˇāˇ්āļēāļාāˇāļē āļැāļą āļŊෝāļāļēāļ§ āļ´āˇāˇāļą්āļąේ āļļāļ§āˇිāļģ āļ°āļąේāˇ්āˇāļģ āļŊෝāļāļēāļēි. āļāļ්āļෙāļą්āļ¸ āļ
āļ¯ āļ
āļ´ි āˇāļģිāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļąāļē āˇෝ āˇāļģිāļ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļē āļļāļ§āˇිāļģිāļą් āļāļෙāļą āļැāļąීāļ¸ āˇෙāļąුāˇāļ§ āļāˇ
āļēුāļ්āļේ āļļāļ§āˇිāļģ āļොāļŊ්āļŊාāļāļģුāˇāļą්āļේ āļēāļ§āļ්āˇිāļĸිāļ āļļāˇāļ§ āļ
āļ´ේ āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ් āļ´āļ් āˇීāļ¸āļ§ āļ´ෙāļģ āˇāˇāļģ āļ¯āˇāˇ් āļāļĢāļąāļ් āļ´ුāļģා āļ´ැāˇāļි āļාāļŊāļē āˇිāˇිāļą් āˇāˇāļිāļ āļāˇ
āˇāļģිāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļą āļąා්āļēාāļēāļą් āļˇāˇිāļාāˇāļ§ āļැāļąිāļ¸āļēි. āļ āˇāļŗāˇා āļļāļ§āˇිāļģ āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ් āˇිāˇිāļą් āļ¸ූāļŊිāļāˇāļ§ āļේāļģුāļ¸් āļāļ āļēුāļු āˇāˇ āļ්āļģිāļēාāˇāļ§ āļąැංāˇිāļē āļēුāļු āˇāļģිāļ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļąāļē āˇāļą්āļąේ āļ¸ිāˇිāļŗු āˇිāļ¸ිāļēāļą් āļ´ැāˇāˇූ āļŊෙāˇ āļģාāļĸු āˇෝ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļĨāļēāļą් āļēāļąු āļ¸ේ āļļිāļ¸ේ āˇිāļ¸ිāļāļģුāˇāļą් āļąොāˇ āļ´ාāļŊāļāļēāļą් āļ´āļ¸āļĢි” āļēāļą්āļą āļේāļģුāļ¸් āļැāļąිāļ¸āļēි. āļ āļ
āļąුāˇ āˇ්āˇාāļˇාāˇිāļ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āˇāļŗāˇා āļ¸ිāļąිāˇා āˇෝ āļ¸ිāļąිāˇ් āļොāļ§āˇāļ් āˇෙāļąුāˇෙāļą් āļąොāˇ, āˇැāļ¸ āļĸීāˇිāļēාāļේāļ¸ āļ
āļēිāļිāļē āˇුāļģැāļෙāļą āļŊෙāˇ āļ
āļ´ි āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āļˇාāˇිāļා āļāˇ
āļ āˇāļŗāˇා āˇāļģිāļ āļģාāļĸ්āļēāļēāļ āļąීāļි āˇāļāˇ් āˇිāļē āļēුāļුāļē. āļāˇිāļ§ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļē āˇීāļ¸ිāļ āļ´ිāļģිāˇāļāļේ āļ
āˇිāļ¸ිāļ āļāˇāļ¸āļąාāˇāļą් āˇෙāļąුāˇෙāļą් āˇෝ āļāˇාāˇāļą් āˇෙāļąුāˇāļą් āļąොāˇ, āˇැāļ¸āļේ āļ
āļ¸ූāļŊිāļ āļ
āˇāˇ්āļēāļාāˇāļą් āˇෙāļąුāˇෙāļą් āˇැāļāˇිāļē āļēුāļුāļē. āļāļ¸ෙāļą්āļ¸ āļģāļ§āļ āļොāļŠāļąැංāˇිāļē āļēුāļු āˇāļą්āļąේ āļ´ිāļ¸්āļļුāļĢු āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļēāļą් āļąොāˇ, āˇ්āļŽාāˇāļģ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļēāļි. āļ āļ
āļąුāˇ āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļŊāļąāļēāļ¯ āˇ්āļŽාāˇāļģ āļāļ්āļ āˇāļąු āļāļ.
āļāˇිāļ§ āļĸāļą āļĸීāˇිāļāļēāļ¯ āˇ්āļŽාāˇāļģ āˇāˇ āļ´ිāļģිāļ´ුāļą් āļāļāļ් āļŊෙāˇ āˇැāļ¸ āļ¯ෙāļąාāļ§āļ¸ āļˇුāļ්āļි āˇිāļŗීāļ¸ේ āļ
āˇāˇ්āļŽාāˇ āļŊැāļļෙāļąු āļāļ. āļąāļ¸ුāļ් āļ
āļ¯ āļ
āļ´ේ āļුāļą්āˇāļą āļŊෝāļāļēේ āļģāļ§āˇāļŊāļ§ āļ¸ේ āļāļ්āˇāļē āļāļģා āļēාāļ¸āļ§ āļąොāˇැāļි āˇී āļිāļļෙāļą āļ´්āļģāļ°āļąāļ¸ āˇේāļුāˇ āļ
āļ´ේ āļāļģ්āļŽිāļāļē āļොāļŠāļąැංāˇිāļē āļēුāļු āļāļාāļģāļē āļ´ිāˇ
ිāļļāļŗāˇ āļ
āļ´āļ§ āļāļ´āļ¯ෙāˇ් āļ¯ෙāļą්āļąāļąේ āˇāˇ āļ¸āļ āļ´ෙāļą්āˇāļą්āļąේ āļ¯ේāˇීāļē āļ¯ැāļ්āļ¸āļ් āļāļි āļļුāļ¯්āļ°ිāļ¸āļුāļą් āˇෝ āļģාāļĸ්āļē āļ´ාāļŊāļāļēāļą් āļąොāˇ, āļŊෝāļ āļļැංāļුāˇ, āļāˇිāļēාāļąු āˇංāˇāļģ්āļ°āļą āļļැංāļුāˇ, āļĸාāļ්āļēාāļą්āļāļģ āļ¸ුāļŊ්āļē āļ
āļģāļ¸ුāļ¯ āˇැāļąි āļ
āļ´ේ āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ āˇāļ¸්āļ´āļ් āˇූāļģාāļāļą āļģාāļĸ්āļēāļēāļą් āˇිāˇිāļą් āļ
āļ§āˇා āļāļļා āļිāļļෙāļą āļāļēāļāļą āˇිāˇිāļą් āˇීāļ¸āļēි. āļ¸ෙāļģāļ§ිāļą් āļļිāˇි āˇූ āļĸාāļ්āļēාāļą්āļāļģ āļ´ිāˇ
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ිāļŗු āļģāļ§āˇāļŊ් āļ¯ිāˇ
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āļģāļ¸ුāļ¯āļŊ āˇීāļ¸āļēි .
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āˇāˇ්āļēāˇ āļāļ. 2020 āļ¸ැāļිāˇāļģāļĢāļēāļ§ āļąැāˇāļāļ් āˇāļģිāļ āļ¸ුāˇුāļĢුāˇāļģāļිāļą් āļĸāļąāļාāˇāļේ āļැāļ¸ැāļ්āļ āļŠැāˇැ āļැāļąීāļ¸āļ§ āļ°āļąāļ´āļි āļ¯ේāˇāļ´ාāļą āļ´āļ්āˇ āļ¸ෙිāˇāļą āˇිāļ§ āˇāļģ්āļ āˇ්āļēාāļ´ාāļģ āļ
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āˇෙි āļ
āļą්āļීāļ¸ āˇාāļģāļē āļāļģාāļැāļąීāļ¸āļ§āļ්āļē. āļ
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āļģ්āļŽāˇāļ් āļිāļģීāļ¸āļ§āļē. āļŊිāļļāļģāļŊ් āļāļģ්āļŽිāļ āļ´්āļģāļිāļ´āļ්āļි
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āļģāˇීāļą්Ã āļාāļģිāļēāˇāˇāļ¸්