Friday, March 23, 2018

Talking about Ambulances

Have the people forgotten about how the GMOA opposed the 1990 Ambulance Program from India? NOT ONE WORD NOW AGAINST IT!

Is anyone contesting that these Ambulances have saved numerous lives? The intention is to spread it around the Country.

What are we waiting for? More Indian Money or Ambulances!


Is there anyone in Sri Lanka proactive enough to suggest/implement/ demand that we use the present stock of Ambulances, already owned by the Ministry of Health to IMMEDIATELY roll it out nationwide, without delay? It seems not!

It is obvious, when it comes to saving lives, Sri Lankans are definitely not in a hurry!

Let another 4,000 die on our roads before someone wakes up. Thanks to the Ambulances, the Road Kill of Humans has not gone up. At least it has stayed the same. Are we waiting for it to go up, before we roll it out Nationwide? and then see NO change, and then the POLICE will take the credit for no increase in Death’s on the road, when it was the Ambulances stupid!

These are the dichotomies we are faced with every day in dealing with the Sri Lankan psyche, so irrational and nonsensical that saner people just don’t bother anymore.

So why am I bothering?

You ask me, the same question, about anything else, as it does not affect me, so why bother?

What if it is YOU in the accident, praying that SOME AMBULANCE will come to take you to hospital, and not a good Samaritan who will pull you out and break your spine doing so or transporting you incorrectly in a bad posture in a three wheeler and leave you paralyzed for life.

These are real issues, not imaginary ones, and reasons for, if you are still looking for one, (if you think I am a stark raving loony) as to why I blog. Please some good Samaritan, come to my aid, I will think you help with the next step.


Anonymous said...

sri Lankans believe in multiple lifetimes and fate, so if you are to be roadkill in this lifetime so be it. hopefully you earned good karma this time around to be born into a better existence the next time around!

Anonymous said...

Good Point BUT

Here is a Sri Lankan reason for rejecting your suggestion outright, and every rational and logical suggestion for that matter.

How can I do anything about it even if I agree with your point of view? I am POWERLESS, my leaders are IMPOTENT, but the worse sin is that this idea did not come from a POLITICIAN. My neighbors are DISINTERESTED, My country is one without POLICY, and I find it hard to put bread on the table, and this is not my PRIORITY.

The Media who should have a section of people who care about public interest to gather momentum to form a pressure group, are INCOMPETENT. The Media owners in Sri Lanka are running at a loss, and only surviving due to SLUSH FUNDS of their patrons, or are making so much money anyway, they don’t care about PUBLIC INTEREST as it does not help in doubling their private vehicle fleet, a status symbol in Sri Lanka.

Religious leaders, jockeying for influence, encourages death, as it brings people to temples and churches, and MAKES PEOPLE RUN BACK TO GOD worrying they may be next.

Like you said the GMOA don’t want it to expand, as they are worried they may have a TOUGH JOB TO KEEP A PATIENT ALIVE, and they are not paid anymore to save a patient.

The Rich don’t mind it as it is often people walking, in motorbikes or in three wheelers who are severely injured and die, so it is NOT SAVING THEM anyway.

God does not want to help because he wants people to die and come to heaven so he has a BIGGER AUDIENCE.

The public at large want more funerals, so they can go for more dhanas and BOOZE UPS ON ACCOUNT OF THE DECEASED

So mate this is not a priority for Sri Lanka, SORRY.

SRI LANKA KIYANNA SORRY THAMAI after all that is the policy platform and vision of the Country, and it is not in keeping with that THEME (themava)

Emigrants won’t have an excuse when they WANT TO LEAVE THE SINKING SHIP CALLED SRI LANKA