Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Private Sector – It’s time we told the Public Sector they can choose what they want to be called, “BLOOD SUCKERS OR LEECHES!”

Obviously no one has noticed, that Sri Lanka is a divided nation, but divided in a way that is so obvious, but I have not yet heard anyone point it out. That is we have the hard working and dedicated “Private Sector” that throughout have suffered and lived in sufferance of the “Public Sector” who never stops demanding, but not reciprocating anything in return for demanding! IN SIMPLE ENGLISH THEY ARE BLEEDING THE COUNTRY DRY.

Once they have well and truly bled the private sector, who do you think is going to pay your wages? Produce your food? Build your homes? Make things you have got so used to having from your ill-gotten gains? Maintain Politicians?

The New Inland Revenue Act that will come into effect from April 1st is going to further to put pressure on the Private sector to find the MONEY, yes borrow from banks to pay on time with HEAVY PENALTIES for delays of all the TAXES – VAT/EPF/ETF/NBT/APL/Rates/Income Tax/Corporation Tax/ Capital Gains Tax/Economic Service Charge to name but a few of the taxes.

Who is laughing? The public sector of course, they are the beneficiaries of all this. Wages account for 50%+ of Government Expenditure. Now we have 10,000 self-appointed Politicians to pay for as well (AFTER ADDING 5,000 TO THE USUAL NUMBER @ the last Election) We are cretins for allowing it.

For those of you who said “but the people voted for them so they get what they deserved” I say yes OF those who voted for the Public Sector is the deciding vote, they vote for the PARTY THAT OFFERS THEM MORE GRAVY and so the SWING VOTE MY DEAR FRIENDS is the PUBLIC SECTOR, any surprises! Forget minority bashing, that is just to cover up the real reason.

All Elections will have to pander to the public sector, due to this swing vote, and now giving extended CAR PERMITS when the prices of cars or vehicles to the ordinary people are going up again, is SHEER LUNACY.

It’s time we put a stop to this nonsense and have a PUBLICITY CAMPAIGN “TO EDUCATE THE PUBLIC AS TO WHO THE REAL CULPRITS OF THIS COUNTRY ARE” - So let’s get together and begin a campaign immediately to show the public sector that if they continue to ignore the needs of the ENGINE OF THE ECONOMY, this ENGINE IS SIMPLY GOING TO SWITCH OFF and let us see what the consequences are. 

There is no point acting like a sleeping Giant, when the Headless Chimera is going to devour us while we sleep, as we have simply ourselves to blame if we get gobbled up before the Chinese arrive to take what remains, and the public sector welcomes them with open arms as they have the MONEY, they know how to show the money!


Anonymous said...

Damn right, even the effective charity is done by the Private Sector, which knows how to spend wisely without wasting.

Anonymous said...

Truly, its time we stop pandering to the Public Sector and instead go direct the other way, blame the public sector for all the ills and come up with a policy plan that halves the public sector. The youth who are now completely aware of what kind of barrier the public sector is to progress will vote that platform, and no promises to them like raising their wages which was a mistake will be needed hence.

Anonymous said...

All government servants if they wish to get up to a certain grade, must work in the private sector in an approved position for one year. They may then understand the difficulties and nuances and challenges they face, and will be more sympathetic, without expecting a bribe for everything, which anyway gets passed on to the public by way of the product prices.

Accepting a bribe is a tax on the public, so it is nothing but treason, and this information should be exposed in a way that makes the public servant aware of his crime against the people

Ratmale,Minneriya,Sri Lanka said...

I just got a call about a check being ready for a balance due of over 4 months, but it may take three more weeks since being written for it to go through the system before it is signed and ready for collection. It is not as if this Government Institution does not have the money. They do and is not even running on an overdraft and their money is sitting in a current account not even earning interest.

This is the sort of attitude of the Public Servants, and I bet this place has about 10 times as many people as is needed. More people mean more inefficient too. So we need a leader who can clean this mess up, and free the Resource so the Private Sector can employ, and reduce the cost of Govt. both at the same time, a double benefit to grow the Economy if that is what our leaders want to do.

Its not their money, so they don't care, that is why the Private Sector must be encouraged, and not discouraged by hypocrisy.

Anonymous said...

Hey just bribe the accountant and you will get your money now, depending on the size of the bribe