Saturday, March 17, 2018

First identify there is a problem – The need for 50,000+ mental health counselor’s in Sri Lanka

I am involved in the administration and management of a women’s empowerment project in a local community, as we offer the advice of a Mental Health Counselor to those who wish to avail themselves of this resource.

I am afraid to say that few actually make use of this resource, and we the organization take great pains to pick this lady from her home and provide her a confidential space from which she can meet these clients and then we provide transport to her home while paying her a fair fee for a day’s services. We only provide this service on an as needed basis, so all our members know of this.

I was talking to this lady for a long while today, and talking about the whole aspect of counseling, and she is one with about 12 years counseling experience in the bag, who ONLY presently works 2 days a week, at a BOI company in the Katunayake FTZ fairly close to where she presently lives. The company appreciates the value she provides and provides her transport, and she has worked there for a long time. The company provides, counseling services to their staff, most of whom are women from distant parts who are boarded in the vicinity of the FTZ. I am told they face numerous pressures both a push factor from their homes in rural parts, and serious challenges in living in rooms and lodgings in the zone.

She also mentioned that she is attached to another organization, that assists women in helping them manage their time, lives, and build confidence as well as attempts to empower them to take control of their lives and be independent. I am told unless money is offered to come, the attendance at these sessions is also very low.

In short, society has a huge problem of dependency, where there are expectations that the State provide certain services and funds as of right, however, apart from that people are not encouraged to improve their lives by their own actions, and use the resources available to them to do. There is somehow a lack of belief that it is the attitude of people that needs to change, and there are resources available for them if they know where to go and who to ask, but are culturally either afraid to ask, or are dissuaded from seeking help.

I cannot pin point what the real problem in seeking help is, but the first matter that needs a look at is introspection, to determine how content or not one is about one’s life, and secondly, what if anything one needs to do to in order to free themselves of their issues, if indeed they are not content. What I discover is that many people are of the feeling that their suffering is part of their destiny.

This acceptance that there is NOTHING you can do about getting over it, is at the heart of people not believing there is a way out of their present predicament. People therefore unnecessarily suffer in silence due to this belief that is tragically inculcated from birth and leads to making lifestyle choices that result in envy, greed, spite, and all manner of jealousy against people they perceive as being more fortunate, or having that which they do not have but wish to have.

This is a philosophical question best answered by thinkers, but I firmly believe much of the problem in human society today, and it is a Global phenomenon, more pronounced in the Sri Lankan psyche, that there is NO release from suffering in this life, as it is either due to some bad thing in a past life, or in this, and it is fate that one cannot climb out of and conquer one’s inner demons.

This belief has allowed the population to be manipulated by people who see this weakness in humanity in Sri Lanka, and use politics or religion to manipulate their thinking to enslave the mindset, and not release them from bondage.


Most of the baggage we carry in life, is in the mind, and just think of how light you will feel if you are able to be relieved of this weight we unnecessarily carry. If we prioritize on what is important, we can concentrate on that which makes our lives better, and not delve too much in that which keeps us enslaved.

Who are the losers in this process? An analysis of the losers will lead the reader to the reason why those very people who have a responsibility to take people out of their misery, are NOT DOING THEIR JOB, and instead are engaged in mind games aimed at their own self destruction, as enslaving a person eventually leads to the enslaver eventually losing the enslaved, who becomes nothing more than a leach dependent on you or your message to keep you in a symbiotic relationship that goes nowhere, while the world of the free around you goes from strength to strength right before your own eyes.

The world takes this route, and you are left behind, wallowing in your self-pity, you are left either being miserable, and get satisfaction out of the misery of others, or when you do something to contribute to their misery (burn shops and homes of innocent people you supposedly despise, as an example of this trait) and you eventually, without realizing it, are going against what your religion teaches you, effectively to do good, and you will be rewarded ONE DAY.

This analysis then is at the heart of why we need Mental Health Counselors to remove/banish our demons, and show us the way, by nudging, coaxing and behavior modification methods aimed at satiation. (feeling content/ satisfaction)

Of course that is not to say,  in our culture there are so many means from which to achieve a sense of fulfillment, like meditation, yoga and following the true teachings of our respective beliefs, which are rarely explained by those to whom we presently go for succor, hence the suggestion to short circuit this by using counselors trained in identifying each person's needs and assisting in finding a permanent or temporary solution to that.

THE WHOLE PURPOSE IN LIFE SURELY IS WHAT? Body and Mind being in synchronization leading to a fulfilling life in the short period we have left on earth.  


Anonymous said...

Yes it is the Mind stupid.

First step, is to remove all 225 in parliament and the President, as they are simply too far gone, in order to seek help. There is hope then for a change in attitude which is what is needed in principle from the ability/skillful/passionate/dedicated/conniving means they use to manipulate our minds on a daily basis without us realizing we are being manipulated big time for their long term survival.

That is the cause of our disease, and a solution for the cure

Anonymous said...

Those who do this introspection, and realize the truth, decide to leave this country, as no matter what they do, they cannot change the attitude of the majority, which is mired in the bog. So can you blame it, when the best and brightest leave, as they do not want to play second fiddle to corrupt and incompetent leadership?

The majority will continue with the old system, and no wonder the politicians know it. They will not let go, living off the fat of the stupid people who allow themselves to be used and abused. The people vote the politicians. Just look at the people who we have voted for our local councils if you want a recent example. You will not want your daughter to marry any of them, so why did you vote for them? Because you are stupid.

Anonymous said...

Example of what you said above in Marikkar MPs comment on his FB page. He is the problem.

He states that "because of the policy of killing time, this Country has become ungovernable." He is making this statement in Parliament. Surely he is the problem, and so it is a bit rich for him to make this statement as it is only the likes of him who can change the practice of killing time and getting on with it. Whose fault is it?

The private sector know time is money, the public sector knows killing time is money, so he is part of the problem, he should have stayed in the private sector, but no he wanted to be one of the people wants the glow, by using stupid people to vote for him to say this in parliament.

Now if he said we are the problem, and resign, as he does not want to be part of it, then we will stand and applaud his courage, now we spit on his hollow words.

They all need to have their heads examined. Turn parliament into a psychiatric hospital and we may find some way to help these people in some way.

Anonymous said...

This is a good one that I saw on FB which illustrates the nation's stupidity:

"The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the AXE because its handle was made of wood, and they thought it was one of them!"

So stop voting for the AXE please, now we have 10,000 more axes roaming our land, just imagine will we have any trees left? Who can we blame but ourselves?

Anonymous said...

Sri Lanka must be the only country that does not heed the millions of inspirational notes on FB, because the people are illiterate, see it but don't understand what it says. They heed rumor and fake news and act on it foolishly, as they can understand that.

A very screwed up people, all 22 million need their heads examined or taught to read, what is it?

Anonymous said...

The ability of being in control of one's mind is the biggest victory in life. No one or no thing can manipulate you, or fool you. A sure way to ensure better choices of leaders in a democracy. Until such time, Sri Lanka will led by thieves and not statesmen.

In judging character look for people who are in control of their lives, they are so strong and grounded, despite the challenges they face, and are worth their weight in gold.