Tuesday, August 6, 2019

You see what you want to see - It is worth realizing there is more to it than first impressions

The clicks below (in this journal it is above) are two parts of the same photograph. When I posted the original photo, my eyes were on the larger Tusker, so the elephants all around did not get a look in. I stumbled upon this again, and on a second look, got three for the price of one!

If you look closely, there is a baby tusker in the photo with the big one. Seeing them is just as important to seeing the big one. The little fellows are part of the herd. In ten or more years he will venture out on his own if he is lucky.

The second photo is also very interesting seeing the little baby elephants who had just come out of the water, still enjoying their time without a worry in the world, as they are closely watched over by the elders for protection

The moral of the story here is that, often we see only what we want, and miss out on the big picture. This is so common, we need to always reflect a while and consider a double take, wondering if we have either come to the wrong conclusion, or we have missed out on the big picture.

We are so used to coming to instant beliefs based on limited facts, unable, or not wanting to accept that, either our conclusions are wrong, or at the least warped, because we wish to only reinforce our prejudices.

In fact we must also be aware that social media such as Facebook, also attempt to reinforce perceived prejudices, by presenting, targeted adverts in the guise of news, that they believe we are more likely to be happy with, thereby giving value to the organization, person, or political angle that is paying for that privilege, In short we are being duped, and our initial beliefs further confirmed, because we are presented with even more evidence to justify our point of view, further strengthening our resolve, instead of giving us a chance to question them, mind manipulation for short.

Just something to think about I guess! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is quite clear that the average FB user (as well as other social media) don't have a clue as to how their minds are manipulated.

Many people I know don't use social media for that very reason, fearful of being manipulated or influenced.

The flip of this is that they are then not privy to useful information that social media provides. While agreeing it is important to understand what is out there, what is useful and what is likely to be fake, we in the 21st century and the internet for that matter are presented with reams of information we struggle to understand fully.

It is therefore important that we look at all these mediums with an open mind and not become enslaved by it, or spend too much of our valuable time on them lest we become zombies to other people's manipulation.

The old maxim of let the buyer beware is paramount here too, and if you know what you are reading and aware of your frailties, it is fine to get entangled to use it for your benefit and not the those who are providing content, many who pay to do so, as that is how they survive by selling access or content.