Wednesday, February 6, 2019

The Peacocks are rising in numbers and urgent action is required

“Diyawanna We have a problem!” – The peacocks are rising, and of course you have not noticed, as you don’t care, there are too many deals in the offing

One only needs to travel around the Country and observe. Peacocks are everywhere, they are in greater numbers than before, and they are crowding out other creatures, because their natural predators are dying due to traps, road kill and fewer areas for shelter.

Not only are peacocks in farmland, and rural areas of habitation, they are also in forests in greater numbers, perhaps crowding out other species. Recently I saw them compete with the Raptors for space on top of large trees, where they take shelter for the nights. The trees I saw peacocks did not have any raptors and vice versa, and I wondered what comes first. My hunch is when the peacock takes up residence on a tree and starts letting the world know of his presence, with its unmistakable call, (annoying, when you hear it all night, when preferring the other sounds of the night) NO raptor worth his dignity, or pride, wants to be near it, as it draws attention. Raptors prefer anonymity and camouflage, in order to pick and choose its morsels for the kill.

Of course those who have not lifted a Mammoty or driven a Tractor, are the first to come to their aid, not even aware of the real situation on the ground. I will now call for a biodiversity balance study to ascertain, region – wise, how certain species are more prevalent than others starting of course with those that affect agriculture most. You will say if we start with this what next! Cool it buddy!

There are endangered species. They need to be acknowledged, so we don’t kill the goose that lays the golden egg. I call for temporary culls when things get out of hand, for a limited period. I don’t envisage any encroachment into protected areas to do this. That should remain free from human encroachment.

To begin with I propose picking some areas where the infestation is highest after a quick research into the numbers as statistical sampling techniques and even using drone technology enable more accurate and speedy studies these days, and determine that an area be permitted to kill peacocks.

Kill and you all shout, but don’t forget that EVERY village has people who poach for a living and if they are allowed to kill a 100 peacocks and sell their meat then you save 100 other animals they are killing anyway, from all the varieties of deer, to anything else they can lay their hands on.

In fact my proposal will help some endangered species get a chance for their numbers to grow, while over-populated species are culled.  

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