Wednesday, September 19, 2018

EvalColombo2018 – A joke presented by jokers in a country run by jokers

Just read the link in today's FT that highlights the President's speech and you will see what a waste of time it all is. What is the point stating that the public service is only 30% efficient when we have known this all along?

The above launched in Colombo on the 17th of Sept 2018, Chaired by the President and launched by the Prime Minister involving over 100 parliamentarians from across the Globe takes the cake.

The whole idea to encourage evidence based decision making in Government. So when Gamperaliya is about spending Rs80Billion of money we don’t have, to be wasted as an election gimmick, this evidence based decision making has already been damned by our own administration sponsoring this TAMASHA at the public’s expense.

What is the Government trying to do?  The private sector daily, is challenged in making decisions about spending money, hiring people, and investing in new plant and machinery, based on carefully prepared cash flow forecasts and business plans, as any failure has NO SECOND CHANCE.

The PUBLIC SECTOR is JUST WAKING UP  TO THE FACT THAT THEY HAVE BEEN WASTING THE PUBLIC MONEY FROM DAY ONE and is trying to correct their populist and highly wasteful policies and practices, but using this gimmick of EVALUATION.

Hey guys in Government please don’t try to re-invent the wheel. We in the private sector know all about it, and we don’t want people who don’t even understand the concept of waste as it is other people’s money that you waste, deciding that the time is right to use evidence based decision making in order to be MORE EFFICIENT. Give me a break!

All this is just a play upon words. No one on Government knows how much money you are wasting to maintain a system of Public Service we just cannot afford and it is always the poor people in Sri Lanka who are paying for your extravagance. There is NO mention anywhere of Environmental Impact!

De camp from Colombo, and at a stroke you will remove the need for 400,000 public servants, living in Colombo, paying high rents or interest payments for housing, spending 4 hours on the road every day and only working 4 hours a day, and then making high demands on the treasury where 80% of the expenditure is spent. Get rid of the security and car permits for all, and in ONE STROKE you will save Rs300Billion. If that is done, you will not have to engage in evaluation as that is the answer to the problem of Sri Lanka today, and with this stroke of eliminating waste along with the wastrels, only projects which are cost effective and show a public benefit that also reduces environmental impact will be chosen.


Anonymous said...

Too right

A country full of conferences, just to make them feel they have achieved some end, when nothing is followed up in Sri Lanka after any conference as the time is then spent preparing for the next useless conference.

If you read the FT daily you will understand that all we have is conferences to waste the time of the people who should be running this Country, including the private sector who should be running their businesses to compete with the world instead of attending these useless conferences.

So please get rid of conferences and don't add to this load of crap!

Anonymous said...

Does the President actually do any work? He loves to blame everyone else for a job badly done, but just ask if he has done anything to improve the livelihood of people in this Country?

To evaluate you have to perform, without performance you cannot evaluate, it is that simple

Anonymous said...

The job of Government or Parliament is very simple - to action projects that have overall benefit for the citizens of that Country

Having committees and new organizations such as this is just another tier of mismanagement in the guise of more efficient government, simply to disguise their incompetence.

think about it - If a businessman was running the Country what would he do first? Get rid off all the bureaucratic layers that prevent efficiency. One of that will be this unnecessary evaluation bunkum

Public Servants don't know to make the best interests of the Public - Businessmen know how to make decisions for the best interest of that business. So why is it so hard to recruit capable public servants.

Anonymous said...

It is not Eval Colombo that is required it is Deval Colombo instead

Colombo is being devalued due to excess Government in the capital. Just realize that if there was no State Buildings in Colombo, how free it will be in realizing its commercial potential.

If the CMC was able to draw up a masterplan taking all state institutions out and using the state owned property to develop PPPs, it will be a revitalized city with Business and tourism at the top.

So with Government taken out of the equation if Colombo can succeed, so can the whole country.

The role of the state is merely to ensure standards, by regulating traffic, providing non polluting public transport, ridding colombo of polluting vehicles such as three wheelers, daily cleaning of the beaches, increasing the number of recreation and park space to provide lungs for the city, then the city will grow organically and efficiently.

Ratmale,Minneriya,Sri Lanka said...

The sinhala word regarding this evaluation is "agayeem" - in fact that is not the context of what English evaluation is. agayeem is more understood to mean, giving honor to someone, who has done something and in this context to appreciate someone who may have evaluated a project's effective return on investment.

As no one in parliament can be be honored for productivity, or not wasting the public funds, it is moot why we should have had this event in the first place as it is really a bunch of hot air.

The Lankadeepa of today, September 19th has a full page 5 on this event where the President says:

"In Countries developing and growing rapidly, the Parliament should lead the way by example," again wishful thinking. First we are not developing rapidly and second, Parliament is NOT leading the way by example. Everything parliament does is to further re enforce inefficiency and waste.

He went on to talk about the efficiency and effectiveness of both the Government and the Public Service, none of which we have and so until we are able to reform the substance of the basics, why should we waste our time talking about evaluation of their performance, until the political interference is done away with and only those who are capable of doing their jobs recruited to both Parliament and to Public Service.

It is clear that the whole seminar was a ruse for someone to cash out big by wasting the public money, and the President and PM were mere hostages to fortune not knowing they have been had, along with all the dignitaries local and foreign attending this event.

Anonymous said...

Bull shit the PM said at this event that had a lot of VIPs again wasting time where he said
" if Parliamentary procedure and policy were subjected to the relevant evaluation, then we as a Country will not stuck with such a high level of Debt."

What a load of rubbish. After all it was Mahinda Rajapaksa who ordered the projects be undertaken with no parliamentary oversight anyway.

Secondly the Parliament does not have sufficiently educated people capable of doing the evaluation OR understanding the results of the evaluation, or not sufficiently corrupt as to prevent projects that fail the test, which again further proves that it will not happen until there is a different mindset that will come into parliament and that has nothing to with evaluation.

The only evaluation that one can conclude is that none of the 225 in the present parliament are qaulified to seek re election to the next parliament. If that is done, then there is hope.

However it has zilch to do with Evaluation

Anonymous said...

An excuse to make bogus speeches at the expense of the people who are paying for this colossal waste of money, and get them into the newspapers, to fool the people more

Anonymous said...

the attendees from other countries don't mind it as their fares and batta is paid by their governments and so it is a free for all junket paid by tax payers all over the world. We in Sri Lanka being the promoter of this excuse for a nosh up